7. Next stop; heaven, not hell.

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Laila's eyelids were glued together.

How that happened, she didn't know. She gave her best shot at moving her arms and legs but blank. Nothing.

She skimmed through her last memories and with further obstinance, she groaned through the back of her throat until the substance obscuring her eyes and lips cracked open. She let out a loud sigh as she scanned the room with hurting eyes. Or rather scan the ceiling of the room.

She wasn't tied up, So, why was she unable to move even a limb?

She was trapped, that was for sure. She gasped, feeling her heart skip a beat or two and coming back to beat in full force along with elevated breaths.

She tried to speak but she couldn't even catch her voice.

In a panic, she tried harder. "Hello! Anyone?" She heard no response and attempted to move again. This time, she could feel her restraint giving in, but not enough for her to move freely. "Who is there?"

Laila was normally a hard girl. But, after joining medical school and now that fate had decided to turn her life upside down, she couldn't help it. She let out a scream, feeling a few parts of her body in pain, while others were blank. Numb.

That would be dealt with. Now, she needed to get out.

"Mami!" She cried out, the solid substance holding her back now slowly melting, but not enough for her to move. She needed more, so, she roared for the people that could save her. "Mami! Shehu!"

Laila was having a hard time deciphering where she was. She was unquestionably in her dad's palace, but where exactly?

Do not get her wrong. It wasn't a new house or anything. That was her home for as long as she could remember. But, her being a princess meant she didn't have to visit certain places like the maid chambers, the guards, or the animal house. And this...where she was something she'd never been to.

The ceilings were high like the rest of the château, but, the ceilings were dirty unlike the rest of the chambers that were kept squeaky clean.

Where the hell was she?

"Mami. Mami. Shehu!"

A nervous voice came, "S-sorry! I'll let them know you require them."

Laila craned her neck to the side to no avail. She wasn't moving. And now that she was the closest to any human, they wanted to leave her?

"No way. Stop. Who are you?" She inquired, craving to see who it was.

A lady...more like a woman who must've been a lot older than Laila slowly walked around the pool the poor lady was trapped in. She grimaced at the sight and Laila couldn't help but grimace along with her.

Did she really look that miserable?

"What is this?" Laila had her deductions about the restraints around her, but, she couldn't be too sure.

The woman's hand came up, shaking side to side, "I am sorry, Hajja."

Even in her pathetic situation, Laila still struggled with containing her anger. She snapped. "I don't need your apology. I want to know where i am."

"You're fine, Hajja. An-and you're at home. You're in a pool of wax that'll help heal your wounds faster." She stepped closer to the pool.

What was it? A stupid healing room?

Laila's eyes traveled lower from the woman to the translucent half-solid, half-gooey wax fastening her to a rigid spot. "Get me out of here...please." She shook her head slowly, her mind slipping into a 1080p footage of the scene that got her in that wax pool.

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