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Kenji knew his friends wouldn't just sit around in that cage while he was out ruining dinosaurs lives for no reason at all, but when himself, his father and the rest of the mercs with the dinosaurs by their side, walked through the passages of the facility, he didn't expect to see the entire BRAD-X army shut down and laying scattered across the facility. He was surprised to say the least, maybe there was still an option to do the right thing.

"Kenji," Mr Kon called. "Where were you? On the boat, I was looking for you. We need to talk".

"About?" Kenji set his face, not giving any expression to him as they walked side by side.

"I know you're wondering why I brought the Ankylosaurus here". As he said that, Bumpy walked past them, still under the control of the chips. "You're friends escaped, and I may need to... motivate them, in case they try anything dangerous again".

"You don't need to explain anything, dad. I get it. It's just business".

"Really? I'm glad you're starting to understand". They continued along, coming to the med-bay, with the all the different platforms around that go to different biomes. Mr Kon turned to the twins. "You two, take the dinosaurs to the jungle biome and set up camp outside the compound. I shouldn't have to remind you that these assets are important. Which means you should stop anything or anyone that gets in the way of protecting them".

The twins nodded. "Yes, sir," they both said.

"Good". Mr Kon walked off while Kenji glared at the two twins, who were holding the controllers in their hand and laughing to themselves. They noticed Kenji looking at them and stopped. The boy held the look for a little longer before speed walking over to Mr Kon and Hawkes, who were waiting in the elevator. Kenji stepped in and the doors closed.


Ben had some hidden speed on him. The rest of us were struggling to stay with him as he ran after the group. I was right on Ben's tail, trying to get him to think for a second. We all wanted her to free of the chip that was guaranteed to be in her head, but we had to go about this the right way or we wouldn't win anything.

"Ben. Slow down. We won't get Bumpy back without a plan!"

Ben and I made it to the edge of the treeline, finding ourselves back at the warehouse where the chips were stored. Bumpy was nowhere to be seen, instead, there was only Kenji, Mr Kon, some merc I had never seen before and another merc, who I recognised immediately.

"Hawkes?" I hissed as I stared at the man.

The rest of the group caught up to us and knelt down with us, keeping coevr in the bushes. "Find her?" Brooklynn asked.

"No," Ben replied. "But we found Kenji and his new best friend".

There was a collective noise of surprise as everyone recognised the man standing beside Kenji. "Mr Kon is exactly the type of person who would work with a jerk like Hawkes," Darius whispered in anger.

"Well, at least he'll be angry when he discovers that we destroyed the chips," Brooklynn said.

"And that you deleted the blueprint files," Darius added with a smile. "How's he going to sell his tech to BioSyn now?"

Our attention was brought back to the warehouse when the doors opened and Mr Kon stepped back out. It unnerved me when I saw how calm looked, I thought he'd be madder. "The chips are gone and the workshop is trashed," he announced flatly.

"By the earthquake?" Kenji asked.

"And those children".

Hawkes stepped forward. "So, what? We don't get paid?" Hawkes asked annoyed. It gave me some sense of joy, seeing Hawkes getting annoyed, he deserved it after everything he did to myself, Brooklynn and the rest.

The Best Of Both: Camp Cretaceous OCWhere stories live. Discover now