The Cattle Drive

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"The T-rex's footsteps grew closer, like huge drum beats in the night". We were all crowded around the fireplace on the balcony outside the common room, listening intently to Darius' story, the quietness and the darkness of the night added more drama and suspense around us. "That's when the T-rex, emerged from the trees, so quietly, so dangerously". Ben was gripping Kenji like he was his source of life. Sammy had her knees hugged close to her chest. Brooklynn had her phone out and was recording my story, but she was listening very intently. I itched for more of the story as the suspense built up. "That was when the baby triceratops could feel it behind her, it turned and saw the T-rex, standing over her, its jaws opened wide".

He was about to continue when a light flashed in our faces, really killing the moment. We all looked at Brooklynn, a little annoyed. "For the vlog," she said. "Keep telling your little story". Darius decided to add a little more drama to it by putting his hood over his head. "The T-rex's jaws opened wide —".

Once again Brooklynn interrupted. "Dang, no storage left. What photos should I delete? I just don't wanna get rid of my selfie on Everest, you know?" She showed off the photo to Sammy.

Kenji's hand shot out. "Please shush," Kenji said. "He is getting to the good bit".

Darius shook his head. "Maybe I should just start again," he said.

Ben gasped. "No!" he said. "In fact, you can just stop".

Kenji rolled his eyes. "He's not even talking," Kenji said. "And how is your grip this strong!?" He finished with a yell.

Darius pulled his hood back over. "And then," he said. "The T-rex-"

"Should we invite Yasmina over?" Sammy said, looking over at Yasmina, who was leaning on the railing of the balcony, once again with her book in her hand. I slumped over in my seat and let out a sigh. Three times interrupted and we barely got to any good parts.

"Maybe she just wants some alone time," I said. "I know I can get like that sometimes". I couldn't believe I was defending her at the moment because of how much we seemed to not like each other. But it was true, I did spend most of my time alone.

Sammy looked back at me like I had just announced I was an alien. "I don't understand," Sammy said.

"You know those moments", Kenji said. "Where some people just want to be...left alone".

Sammy looked at him weirdly then broke out laughing. "Kenji your hilarious," she said. "I think she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends".

Suddenly a loud boom rang out, we looked up and rain started to pour down, everyone stood up except for Darius and I. "We better get inside," Sammy said.

"Way ahead of you," Ben said, already halfway up the stairs that led back to the common room. Everyone followed.

"Well that was a waste of time," Brooklynn said before disappearing into the common room.

"Thanks, Brooklynn," Darius said sarcastically. I slowly dragged myself up and went over to him. I offered my hand to him, he took it and I hauled him to his feet. We walked inside together like the rest.

Brooklynn was looking through the cupboards, looking for a snack. Darius was doing the same. Ben was drawing stuff with crayons. Kenji was trying to chat up Brooklynn for the tenth or something time today. I slumped over onto the couch for a full two seconds, but then Yasmina sat on the couch near me and I moved to the other end.

"Oh, my page got wet," I heard her mutter under breath.

Sammy was a blur as she zoomed across the couch, pretty much leaping over me as she appeared in front of Yasmina. "You need a friend!" She practically shouted. Yasmina was holding her book close to her chest and trying to recover from the heart attack she had probably just suffered.

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