Turning Dr Turner

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A/N: Happy Christmas all. I hope you had a great time and spent the day exactly as you had wanted.

The seven of us walked into the strange, metal tunnel, towards the large blast door ahead of us. The illusion door Brooklynn had opened closed behind us, locking tightly. The moment it did, the temperature changed immediately from hot to a glorious cool. I never thought I would be so glad to have air conditioning back in my life.

As we approached the next blast door, it opened automatically and led into a gleaming white maze of intersections an corridors that led to who knows where. Above us was the hissing sound of water pipes, looks like another one of Brooklynn's discoveries was connected to something bigger. It made me wonder what else was in store for us here.

Brooklynn turned and ran in the direction of the water pipes. "Guys, come on," Kenji whispered to us as he followed her. The rest of us turned in their direction and followed them. We approached another blast door, this one had a blue lock panel on the side of it. Brooklynn studied it for a few seconds before she put her finger to it. The lock symbol turned green and the blast door opened.

We all gasped. We had gone from a barren desert, to a futuristic looking facility, but now we had just walked into a redwood forest. Birds were chirping from unseen locations and the sun was shining through small gaps in the leaves. Once again the temperature had changed, but not by much. As we walked further inward, the blast door sealed closed behind us again.

"Guys, do you remember how, like, five seconds ago, we were in a desert?" Brooklynn asked as she looked all around the area with her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"What the heck is this place?" Sammy asked.

The ground vibrated violently as a boom was heard in the distance, not like an explosion, but more like a massive footstep. "No, it can't be," Yasmina whispered. I was standing next to her, I turned and looked at her, she was staring at her feet as the ground continued to vibrate, she looked like she had seized up.

"If I didn't know any better," Sammy said quietly. "I'd say that feels like a...".

Loud snorting sounded out, causing us all to spin around to the direction of the noise. From behind a group of trees, out stepped a Tyrannosaurus. I was slowly shaking my head, as well as my entire body as my eyes travelled up its legs and finally stared it in the eyes. This one wasn't the Rexy we all knew, this one was a darker colour, a greenish black shade. But that didn't stop if from being exactly like Rexy and roaring at us.

We turned and ran away from it. I checked behind after a second and was shocked to see Yasmina slowly stepping back from it, not going nearly as fast as she should be. "What is she doing!?" I whispered as I ran back to get her. I grabbed her arm and dragged her with me for a moment before letting go now that she was properly running.

We caught up to the others and ran with them. "You have got to be kidding me!" Kenji panted when he looked behind him, seeing the T-rex right on us. We dove behind some trees and crouched down low. The T-rex ran straight past us and around a few trees ahead of us. We quickly rounded the trunk of our hiding place and peeked out from our cover.

The T-rex was stepping back from something behind a thinner tree. The ground vibrated even more as a second T-rex erupted out of the tress and roared at the fist one. This one looked older than the first with a few scars on its snout and body.

"Oh, there are two of them," I laughed a little hysterically.

"Does every island have dinosaurs now?" Brooklynn whispered, she was sitting down and covering her ears.

Ben looked at her, then past her and gasped. "Let's ask her," he said, pointing at a fallen log across from us. Brooklynn and I looked over and much to our surprise, saw a woman kneeling behind the log with a tablet in her hand and a sandwich in her mouth. She had dark skin and a white shirt and long pants. She sat down crossed legged and started tapping on her device. I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Who was this lady? Was she not aware of the two T-rex's standing right in front of her?

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