Who's The Boss

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A/N: Chapter came out way sooner than I expected. I didn't want to leave you all hanging like that so I wanted to get this done quickly. I hope you enjoy this finale to S4.

Loud rock music blasted through the jungle as our BRAD-X opened its mouth and began playing songs on Kash's playlist. We covered our ears from the insanely horrible music and screamed at Darius to tell the BRAD-X to shut its mouth.

"BRAD! Stop!" Darius shouted. The BRAD-X closed its mouth and resumed a dosile state. Darius turned to us and rubbed his head in embarrasment. "Sorry guys, I guess Kash only has one song downloaded on this thing," he said. Since we all back together and Kash was locked away, he had tried to play some victory music after we had woken up the next day, but it clearly didn't work.

"Not to worry," Mae said, her smile hadn't dissapeared from her face. "Since you've trapped Kash away, that is more than music to my ears". Just the simple reminder of our victory against one of Mantah Corps primary leaders was enough to send us into a another celebration.

"Kenji watch out!" I called. It was too late. Firecracker charged Kenji over, he landed in the grass face down. Ben and I caught up to him and grimaced at the sight. Fire cracker jumped on him for a second, knocking the air out of him and running away again. Ben chased after him while I stayed and helped Kenji to his feet.

Brooklynn walked up to us. "Hey, have you seen rebel?" She asked. Kenji shook his head at her. "Okay, let's go look for her then". She turned and walked away, Kenji close behind her. When I stepped forward as well to follow them, Brooklynn's head snapped around and she waved her arms sporadically at me. "No, Max, uh, you can't come". I raised my eyebrow, feeling a little hurt. "Uh, I mean, we need you to stay here, in case Rebel comes back".

"...Okay," I said with a hint of suspicion lining my tone. Brooklynn smiled and the two of them walked away. Something was different about them, and I wasn't sure what. I knew Kenji liked Brooklynn but since when was Brooklynn the nervous type?

Loud snoring shook me out of my thoughts. I turned and saw Angel on the ground, curled up and sleeping very soundly. Sammy and Yasmina were poking her, but she wouldn't respond. I walked over to them and knelt in front of the dinosaur.

"Why hasn't Angel bitten your fingers off yet?" I asked. In just the past few days, I had nearly gotten my fingers bitten off three times by her.

"Don't know," Sammy replied. "It's like she just collapsed".

Brooklynn walked over to us, a similar expression of worry was on her face. "Hey, guys. Rebels acting weird. He's chill but not usually this chill".

"Angels the exact same," Sammy said. "Usually she's more...bity". The sound of Ben getting knocked over again drew our attention to him as Firecracker surrounded him.

"Firecracker seems right at home, though," I pointed out.

"Maybe that's the point," Sammy said, then she gasped a second later. "Maybe we're in the wrong biome".

"But Sinoceratops live in the jungle," Yasmina said, gesturing around her to lush green leaves and bushes.

"Well, they are half Spinosaurus, and that things in the desert, maybe we should try that area," Brooklynn said.

"Good idea," Yasmina replied. She cupped her mouth with one hand and called out. "Hey, Ben, Max, we're taking the kids to the desert!"

"Sure, sure. Have fun!" Ben called back. He had a berry branch in hand, he seemed to be attempting to feed Firecracker some berries.

"I'll stay with the boys," I announced as I stepped back from the group. I could sense some girl conversations were about to go down and it would be super awkward if I was there for all of that.

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