Season 5 Teaser

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A/N: To commemorate the release of Jurassic World Dominion, this chapter was written like an official trailer to give you an idea of what I hope season 5 of CC will allow me to write about.

For extra immersion; play the Stranger Things 4 trailer music. (Every paragraph is a change in scenery and setting)

The sun rose over the jungle, but it was completely quiet. Yasmina watched the growing light and picked up a stick, scratching another tally off on the wall of the cave.

"It's been...too long. We've been looking all over, but there have been no signs of Max...or Kenji. Mae says to be patient, but it's not helping".

Elsewhere, Darius and Ben were crouched behind a tree as a squad of BRAD-X's marched past them.

On the top of a balcony, Kash watched an uncountable number of robots enter the jungle. He smiled deviously.

Mr Kon, the leader of Mantah Corp, looked over a digital map of the island with a proud smile on his face. He placed a gentle hand on Kenji's shoulder, who was dressed in a new white shirt and blue tie. "You see, son? I'm so glad I finally get to show you this, all I've done is for the security for the future".

Back in the cave, Yasmina sighed. "No-one knows what to do anymore, I'm beginning to think...this might be it for us".

Mr Kon opened a huge set of metal doors and walked into the next room, Kenji trailing behind him. They walked past several BRAD-X's standing guard in front of another metal door. Mr Kon placed his hand on a scanner and it blinked green. 

"Dinosaurs are walking tanks, they hold strength like no other. But they lack leadership. I've simply provided that missing piece. All I've done, was all so he could lead them, take a look at the potential".

The doors opened, revealing a boy strung down by heavy chains, he furiously pulled against them, but to no avail. The boy opened his eyes and looked up, revealing hazel eyes filled with fury.

Yasmina, Darius, Ben, Sammy and Brooklynn covered their eyes from the blinding light. They were outside the compound, with Kash in front of them, standing safely behind a barricade of BRAD-X's. He pointed forward, the BRAD-X's opened their mouths and charged up their shots. The campers scattered as a hell fire of lasers shot past them.

Max slammed a BRAD-X into the ground, grabbing its arm and tearing it off, smashing another ones head in with it. Max threw the arm at another, stunning it. He climbed onto it and furiously punched its face in until it sparked.

Darius fell onto his back as two Velociraptors closed in around him, snarling aggressively.

Ben jumped from a tree, swinging on a vine and narrowly missing a bite from a Ceratosaurus.

Sammy, Mae and Brooklynn bunched together as regular BRADs filed into the room and surrounded them.

Max stood between two T-rex's with his hands held out with open palms facing each of them. The T-rex's roared but didn't approach, as if held back by something. Mr Kon watched from a distance with looks of awe.

"I want MX-27 found and brought to me, do whatever you have to".

Several mercenaries loaded weapons and pointed them at an unknown figure, who stood defiantly in front of them.

"I'm sorry. I have to do this...".

Two hands that were once clasped together, separated. 

Max held the flare high and ignited it, lighting up the dark night and revealing the Spinosaurus standing right in front of him. It opened its crocodile snout and roared. Max stared back, with no fear.

"...For all of you".

The Spinosaurus roared and charged forward. Max screamed at the top of his lungs and ran forward as well. The Spinosaurus opened its mouth wide as Max jumped straight towards it, the flare still in his hand. Blazing fire behind them silhouetted their figures.




"It's over...".

Mr Kon stood triumphantly over the burning compound with a smile. He stepped to the side, revealing a figure. It had claws and a hunched back, breathing raggedly. It's sin was an abnormal colour, blue veins sticking our from its skin. The figure looked up, displaying a sadistic grin.

"You have lost".

A/N: If you liked this, should I do Dominion teaser as well?

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