Chaos Theory Trailer

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A/N: This 'trailer' is more of a little preview of an event that will lead to episode 1.

Max was startled from his memory by the passing headlights of a loud truck. Suddenly, he was back on the bus, pouring rain outside. Max realised his stop was coming up and quickly pressed the button.

When the bus pulled to a stop, Max got up, quickly pulling his hood even further over his face as he walked to the exit. He mumbled a thanks to the driver for the lift, "and for not recognising me and actually letting me on," he added under his breath and stepped off into the rain.

He quickly dashed under the bus shelter and stood there, waiting for the pouring rain to die down as he wiped the water off his jacket sleeves, but he didn't dare remove his hood, instead keeping his head bowed so keep his face hidden from view.

He heard another person walk beside him and wait under the same shelter as him. Under his hood, Max could only see the persons legs, which were adorned in brown boots and grey pants, they stood there still as a statue as the rain hammered down around them.

Max wasn't sure why, but he suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness wash over him. Gradually, he tilted his head up, further and further, seeing more and more of the persons figure. His eyes trailed up further and further, taking note of the persons', who he now realised was a woman, strangely shaped necklace until finally, he saw her face...and she saw his.

Because she had been looking at him from the moment she had appeared.

Her face was practically bone white, the most pale face he had ever seen. Her eyes were locked in a wide eyed stare which was only enhanced by the fact she had no eyebrows. Her hair was cut all the way to top of the neck, hanging down neatly from the back of her head.

She never blinked once.

They held the stare for an unknown amount of time, but it felt they had been there for an eternity. The woman's stare grew more intense for just a second before she began to walk away. Her eyes lingered on him for an uncomfortable amount of time as her head turned like an owls as she walked straight into the pouring rain, no umbrella no jacket, only the clothes she wore.

Max let out the breath he had held as she finally disappeared around a corner. "That woman must've recognised me, its the only reason she'd look at me like that". He rubbed the back of his head in shame. "I must've really scared her, she looked frozen".

Then he heard a whistle.


He broke free of the bushes and ran for the cabin, limping all the way up the stairs and collapsing on the deck. With all the strength he could muster, Max pounded on the doors desperately, ignoring the smeared, hand shaped blood stains he left on the wood as the last of his strength fizzled. " the door...Dari...".

The suddenly opened inward and he fell into a blinding light.

A/N: I know the whole Timeline with what Max did before and after Fallen Kingdom is all over the place and super vague, so I'll be using this new show to also tell the story of Max's journey before Fallen Kingdom, and then more that happen after Fallen Kingdom but before Chaos Theory. Of course his favourite athlete girl will be with him for the most part and perhaps other characters too.

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