The Final Test

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Sammy awoke to the sun shining into her face through the huge window in the room. She looked away from the light and rubbed her eyes, sitting up and yawning. She pushed her arms forward and cracking various joints in her body.

Despite having slept on the floor, it had been a long time since she had felt so comfortable, but that might just be because they had walls on all sides of them now, plus the fact that everyone was in this room with her.

She heard someone getting up behind her. Sammy turned her head, seeing Brooklynn go through the same procedure Sammy just did. She looked down at Kenji next to her and giggled slightly at his wide open mouth and quiet snores. At least he wasn't loud.

Brooklynn waved a greeting to Sammy, who returned one as they stood up. Sammy stepped toward the door, while Brooklynn approached the window. She looked down and giggled slightly. There, by the base of the window was Ben and Darius. Ben was upside down, with his legs propped against the window with his head just in the shade of a nearby chair. Darius was spread eagled on the floor, face down in the carpet.

"Sammy, take a look at this," Brooklynn giggled at the two of them. When Sammy didn't answer, Brooklynn turned around. Sammy was across the room, looking at something else. Brooklynn frowned and walked over to her, careful not to step on anyone. She stood next to Sammy, seeing what she saw and a huge grin spread across her face.

Max and Yasmina were asleep in the same chair, sharing a blanket that was over them, but Yasmina had most of it, who was curled up in a small ball, her feet propped up on the seat itself. Her head was resting on Max's chest, with one of her hands gripping the collar of his shirt, the tips of her fingers against his warm skin . Meanwhile, Max had both of his arms around here in a loose hug with his head on top of hers, a portion of his face was hidden in her hair. They both looked happy.

"We should wake them you know," Brooklynn said, disappointed that she'd have to ruin this image.

"You sure we can't just leave them how they are? They need it," Sammy said sadly. Brooklynn's expression grew puzzled. Sammy elaborated. "We all know about Yaz's nightmares, she hasn't been sleeping well for a long time, but right now, she's happy with him. And I don't know if you think the same but...," Sammy looked at Max for a second. "Max hasn't looked happy ever since we left Nublar. And seeing him now, he looks like his old self again".

Brooklynn stared at the boy in the chair, the one who threw himself at danger constantly just to protect one person. The one who she had been saved by more times than she cared to count. And the one she had come to love like a brother. She realised Sammy was right, about everything. Sure, Max had smiled once or twice after they had crashed on this new island, but he had never smiled. That familiar, goofy looking smile he usually had, had disappeared.

"Okay, we'll wake the other's and let them be until they wake up on their own," she said. Sammy smiled and they walked around, quietly waking up the other campers and quickly ushering them out of the room before anyone could say anything. Sammy looked back into the room one last time, smiling at the sight before closing the door.


I felt the sun hitting my eyes, I squinted and looked away before opening them, lifting one hand to rub the gunk away before I took in my surroundings. I was in the same room as last night, but now it was empty. Weird, weren't the others in here too?

I became aware of the weight on my entire body. I looked down and inwardly gasped. Yasmina was there, practically laying on me. I realised we had our arms around each other, just like...well...a couple. My heart began to beat at inhuman paces as I felt my face heat. I felt so strange right now, but a good kind of strange, the best kind.

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