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All four raptors closed in around Darius and Kenji. They were still pinned against the security door, they weren't going to last much longer. Brooklyn and I were still up on the catwalk, watching the raptors get ever so closer. I looked over to  Brooklynn. "Go and get help", I said.

Brooklynn looked at me and nodded and ran off, she suddenly stopped and turned back to me. "But what will you do?" She asked.

I looked back down into the pen. "Probably something stupid". With that, I jumped into the pen landed flat on my feet, went into a roll and went around behind the raptors.

"Max!" I heard Brooklynn call from above me.

I looked back up at her. "Go get help or else none of us are getting out of here alive". Her eyes were wide in fright, but she nodded and ran off. I hoped Brooklynn would get back in time. I turned back to the raptors, I just had to distract them long enough for Darius and Kenji to escape. "Hey, over here!" I yelled, waving my hands around. They didn't seem to hear me, so I went for plan B. I picked up a rock and threw at the lead raptor, the first one that showed. Unlike the others, it had two thick blue stripes going down from its head to its back on either side.

The rock hit it straight in the back of the head, it stumbled a bit and turned around and roared at me, it ran forwards and stopped a few meters from me, we both seemed to be staring each other down. The raptor glared at me, while I was trying my best not to look I was shaking with fear, which I was doing a vey poor job at.

Suddenly the lights turned white and shined a blinding light into the pen, I was briefly blinded and so was the raptor. When I recovered I saw chunks of raw meat being dropped from above. "Come and get it," I heard someone yell, it was Roxie! "Get out of there!" She called out to me.

I looked to Darius and Kenji, with the meat dropped in, the other three raptors turned and went for different pieces and were occupying themselves with them, I saw the main gate open and Dave reach in and pull Darius and Kenji out, but the blue raptor was not fooled by the meat, it kept its eyes trained on me, I knew I didn't have much time before those gates would close again and the other raptors would finish up with their meat. With my goal in mind, all fear seemed to melt away in the moment, or perhaps I had just managed to bury it, for now. My mind quickly raced through all the facts I knew about Raptors, there was only one thing that take it by surprise: do the one thing that it would never expect from a weaker target. So I got into a stance and sprinted towards the raptor, it did the same. 

When it got close enough, it jumped for me, raising its feet, preparing to slash me with its razor sharp claws. At the last second, I dropped to the ground and skidded under it, its claws narrowly missing my head. Once I was clear of the raptor, I quickly got to my feet and sprinted for the closing gate. I could hear the raptor recover from its little accident and chase after me. Raptors were significantly faster than people, not even Yasmina could outrun these, so it was an absolute miracle that I rolled under the closing barrier gate and jumped through the main security gate just before they both closed behind me.

I stayed there, laying on the ground for a moment, making sure that I was actually there and not being mauled to death by an animal. When I got up, I was met with the dumbfounded faces of Darius, Kenji, and Dave. "What?" I asked. They all continued to stare at me with their mouths hanging open.

"What do you mean 'what?" A voice behind me said. I turned around, Brooklynn was marching towards me. "You just blindly jumped into a raptor pen, then you stare one down and run straight at the carnivorous raptor that could kill you in one bite, and slide under it and jump through the closing gates like a movie star, and you say 'what?'" She yelled.

"Well, what was I supposed to do?" I said.

"You were supposed to stay in bed," a different voice yelled, I turned yet again. This time it was Roxie, uh oh. "Of all the dumb, idiotic, brainless things that you could've done, this was the worst". Kenji stepped backwards in an attempt to leave, but Roxie saw him an a second and pushed him back to the group. "Where do you think you're going? You, Darius and Max are in big trouble".

The Best Of Both: Camp Cretaceous OCWhere stories live. Discover now