"I'm not ready."

"Are you ever going to be ready? I mean I haven't even been able to take you out on a date."

"That's not my fault. You know how my parents are. I have to prep to take over the business one day."

"Cass, you are fifteen years old."

"Almost sixteen." I mumble.

"Not the point. You need to live a little. Be a teenager for God's sakes."

"Just because I'm not ready to kiss you all this comes out. Horseswoggle. I've kissed you on the cheek."

I don't know why I'm not ready to be kissed yet. I am dying to kiss him, but I'm afraid it will lead to other things. I'm just not ready for that yet.

He throws his hands up in frustration. "Everyone else is getting to third base or having sex. All I want is a kiss."

I feel like I'm on the verge of tears, so I move closer to him and peck him on the lips. When he goes to close his arms around me, I step back. Luckily at that time Lily comes in to rescue me.

"Ready babes? Art is waiting and he doesn't look so happy."

I nod my head and step away from Hunter, but he grabs my wrist.

"Don't go Cass."

"I have to."

"I'm sorry." He says with sad eyes. Yeah, so was I.

I left and I still wanted to cry because I felt like I had to kiss him just to not lose him. I really do like Hunter, but I always believed to not throw myself at guys like a lot of girls do.

I wanted my first kiss to be magical, but I know I'm living in Lala land because I'm not in one of those romcom movies.

"You alright Cass?" Lily asks worriedly.

I explain about the whole fight. I know I sound like a prude. If I don't do something I might lose Hunter. Lily laughs and I glare at her.

"Oh honey. That's not a real kiss. A real kiss is when you use tongue." She sticks out her tongue and I feel my face heat up. "I'm not ready for that." I shake my head, because it's the truth.

"And no one should make you feel like you have to."

"Hunter wasn't..."

"He most certainly was. I may not like the douche. I think he is one of the typical jock type. But that's beside the point. When you are ready, you will know. If Hunter can't see that he's not worth it. Besides we are still young, you shouldn't get serious about someone as of yet."

I give her a big hug and she returns it without hesitation.

"You're the best."

"Of course, I am. I'm kind of insulted that you are just realizing it." I start laughing again and just like that, the fight I had with Hunter is not the worst thing in the world. After Art dropped Lily off, I was surprised to see him at my house.

"Do you want me to handle this?" I love how Art is protective of me. I shake my head and get out of the car. Hunter turns around and has a mixed bouquet in his hands. They are all of my favorites. "I'm sorry." He says as he hands me the flowers and I smell the inviting scent of them.

"They're beautiful, thank you Hunter."

"I'm a jerk, a jackass, a complete douchebag." I can't help but laugh because he is rambling on. I invite him in as I put the flowers in a vase. "I didn't mean to pressure you. I would really like to take you out on a date." My heart flutters at that. It's always been let's hangout, but he never properly asked me on a date.

"I'd like that."

He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

"How about tomorrow?" I frown at that because I can't. I promised my parents I would do something with them. "Plans with my parents. How about Saturday. I don't have anything planned then." He gives me that heartwarming smile. "Saturday it is." He gives me a kiss on the cheek and backs away. "I hope you know I really like you Cass. So, if we have to go slow. I will." My heart beats faster and I step towards him. I give him a peck on the lips like I did before. But this time I feel good about it.

"I like you a lot too Hunter." I see the blush on his face, he chuckles as he shakes his head. "I should go while I'm still in your good graces. God knows I'm gonna have to show it at school tomorrow." I shake my head and go to protest, but he puts a finger to my lips. "I need to do this Cass I was total ass and a lot of people saw it. I don't want people to think bad about you or us."


He gives me one last hug and a kiss on the cheek before he leaves. Little did I know that tomorrow everything changes.

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