13 - worth a shot

Start from the beginning

I expected nothing less from the daughter of a mafia leader. I'm not surprised that Loman would spoil his daughter with an apartment in a place like this.

Grayson leads us to her apartment. It's one that's in the middle floors of the building, not the top. He stops in front of a door. "Try not to scare her off." He raises his hand and pushes the buzzer on the wall.

A woman's voice quickly answers with, "Just a second."

He stands back with his hands in his pockets. Like she said, it only took seconds for her to open the door. The woman seems to be a bit taller than her father, with the same jet-black hair —just without the gray— and the same blue eyes.

A big smile spreads across her face when she sees him. "Grayson-" She pauses when she notices me standing next to him. "Oh, I didn't know you were bringing someone along with you."

He rubs the side of his neck. "Well, if I had told you who I was bringing, I knew you wouldn't have agreed to meet."

The woman finally looks at me. "And who are you?"

"Dawson," I hold out my hand. "Dawson Hirai."

Her eyes widen slightly as she takes my hand to shake it briefly before letting go. "The Dawson Hirai."

She unexpectedly grabs both of our arms and yanks us into her apartment. "You came here with my dad's biggest rival, and you didn't think to tell me?!" She looks straight at Grayson. "Are you crazy?!"

"What did I tell you, Mavis? You wouldn't have agreed if you knew."

The woman rolls her eyes and turns around to head further into her apartment. "You two are so lucky I convinced my dad to get rid of the bodyguards he had posted at every corner of this building after the auction last night." She waves her hand to gesture for us to follow her.

She leads us down a large hallway into a room stacked with papers and filing cabinets. "Here it is."

I catch a glimpse of a collection of blueprints on the wall. "What's all this?" I point to them and look back at her for an answer.

She crosses her arms. "My dad plans to develop some new weapons, things that are 'revolutionary', he says."

Grayson goes over next to me to examine the blueprints. "These all have relatively the same design."

"Those may just be draft sketches of what he's planning, but to really do anything with it, he needed the FG-42 as the backbone." She informs.

Grayson pushes on my chest to back me away from the blueprints before raising his phone to take a picture of each. He turns to walk over to a table in the middle of the room. "This one looks slightly different."

She comes to the front of the desk and leans over. "I believe this one is the most recent blueprint." Grayson quickly takes another picture.

I go over to them, leaning over Grayson's shoulder slightly to look at the blueprints. "Why do you have all of these?"

The woman unfolds her arms and shrugs. "I really don't know," She rests her hands on the desks. "I guess he really wants his daughter to know what he's planning on murdering masses of people with."

Grayson bumps me as he bends down a little to take a closer look at the print. I clear my throat, staying composed with his body grazing mine.

"Sooo... are you two like," She heads over to the filing cabinets. "a thing?" She glances at us.


Grayson cuts me off immediately. "No, he's just my boss."

She nods her head with a look of disbelief. "Ah... I see." She pulls out files. "Boss with benefits?"

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