he liked to imagine there was desire between them, even though the dating question was just for his ego. he didn't realise it then but he wasn't brave enough to ask for a number, or a date, or whatever.

"will you be with someone else tonight?," jisung asked, again for his self-esteem's sake.

minho shook his head no, "only you."

jisung stopped tucking his shirt into his pants and addressed the other with his eyes. only you. there was something oddly attractive about hearing that from a prostitute, or your first sexual partner, or anyone at all. he couldn't help but step closer to minho and soon his lips joined his courtesan's and he grabbed his waist and pulled him close.

minho was taken aback but didn't protest. he really enjoyed kissing and always felt a little more turned on when he did that. also, jisung was finally initiating something, which was a turn on for minho as well. he liked it when people became audacious with him, even though it rarely happened.

jisung's hands rested on minho's hips and his lips eagerly tasted the taller's. he was in control which made minho forget his duties for a short instant and get emerged in the moment. he was so tired after his day, even before he came here, and now he finally let completely loose.

jisung slipped his tongue in and put one hand on minho's chin to secure his head from moving. their bodies were brushing against one another, and their tongues were fighting. minho's hands rested behind jisung's head, buried in the thick black hair and scratching the scalp gently.

they were so close and minho felt the other's hands trail along his butt, waist and back, touching them studiously. if minho didn't know jisung wasn't highly experienced in sexual stuff he would've thought this was a hobby of his.

they were both panting and out of breath for a while, probably too long, when they heard the door creek open and the cleaning lady gasp at the side of two dishevelled boys making out in the middle of the room she was supposed to clean. they immediately let go and jisung hastily pushed his shirt into his pants and zipped them up.

"oh, good evening. i'm so sorry. we're leaving," minho cutely explained with a small bow to the middle-aged woman who was startled at the door.

"lock the door next time, huh?," she scolded but it was obvious she was benevolent.

jisung started walking after minho, even though he still hadn't put his belt on. he bowed to the lady and mumbled an excuse and a 'have a nice evening' as he exited. he didn't have his cardigan on either, he was carrying it along with his bag and the key that he needed to return to the receptionist.

minho waited for him and opened the door for them, letting him out into the cold street. he didn't even know why he waited, he normally would just give a cheek kiss and some corny teasing line and get out as soon as possible. but maybe it was because they got interrupted, or because the guy was too friendly to just leave behind.

"i hope you won't feel too sore tomorrow," minho started with a smile as they walked to the traffic light at the end of the street, "sorry, i should've been more careful.."

"no, you were amazing," jisung assured quietly. communication wasn't weird until now but once they were out he wasn't sure how he was supposed to act, "so, um.. you're going home now?," he awkwardly asked after a couple of silent seconds.

"yes. i'm walking there. and you?"

"me too. i have to go that way," jisung pointed to the direction his apartment was at.

"oh. alright then, i'll be heading home from here," minho looked the other way. he was snuggled in a black hoodie and his hands were in the front pocket, making him look very small. the street was wet from a previous drizzle and his worn out converse and graphite-coloured washed-out jeans gave him a very pauper-like look.

"i'd love it if you came to see me again," he smiled and sprung up and down on his knees. maybe he was cold, "i know you probably can't afford it though. you're a student, right?"

"yeah.. i mean, maybe my friends will be generous to me for christmas," jisung giggled and earned a laugh back, "but yes, i am."

minho nodded comprehensively and grinned, "i had fun tonight."

"me too," jisung shyly returned.

"goodnight, jisung," minho leaned in and gave the other's lips a goodnight kiss. this time it was gentle and almost felt loving. his hand was on the boy's jaw and his lips timidly savoured jisung's.

it was too short for the shorter boy to attempt to transform it into anything else though. before he realised, it was already over and all he could do was mumble a 'goodnight' back.

jisung found himself alone in the wet autumn evening.

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