It may cost his life"

The last words of the scientist caused panic in everyone's face.

Dust and Horror looked at each other with concern, the fact of being able to lose their companion (the one who was like a brother to them) had caused them something that they had not felt in a long time


Despite what it seemed, Nightmare was in shock, the fact that his stupidity could cause the death of one of his most valuable subordinates caused him a deep fear, he would not allow himself to lose Killer even if it cost him his life, he would not commit the same mistake from the past twice.

After the atmosphere became calmer, Science went on to say a few things about how to keep the killer's condition stable, at Nightmare's request this was only told to him as he offered to take care of Killer while he was recovering, The reason for this is only known by Nightmare itself and it certainly received complaints from Dust and Horror but in the end they couldn't do anything to change their opinion.

So the minutes passed, Science gave Nightmare a notebook with more detailed instructions on what to do in any case of decline in the state of the murderer and told him VERY clearly that attending missions was completely prohibited for him until he is fully recovered, The scientist thought that the nightmare would get angry when he heard that, but to his surprise he listened to each word with great caution and attention without reproaching how tedious all the care would be.

Science had regained hope that his new friend could pass his pregnancy safely, he had thought as a plan B to tell the bad guys that Killer would stay with him or in Medictale during his remaining 8 months of pregnancy as an excuse that his illness needed treatment, but he's glad he didn't, having the killer locked up in a 'hospital' for so long had its pros and cons, one of which was being surrounded by people he didn't fully trust and causing constant stress would be harmful for both individuals (that is, for Killer and the baby inside).

After the long talk and explanation of the scientist, the bad guys had the opportunity to enter and see Killer, Dust and Horror wanted to jump on the stretcher and hug the killer with all their might but they knew that it was forbidden to exert force on the weak body of the bedridden skeleton, Nightmare on the other hand stood with crossed arms leaning in the doorway watching as everyone talked comfortably.

A few hours later, everyone began to leave one by one since it was getting late, everyone except Nightmare, who took advantage of the fact that they had all left to talk to the murderer.

"B-boss?!" the assassin shouted when noticing the presence of the nightmare "I thought you had returned to the castle" he added "Sorry for failing the mission, I understand that you are completely angry and I will receive any punishment after being discharged" he finished saying crestfallen.

Although Nightmare was prepared for anything, he did not expect that reaction from Killer, he thought that he would be treated with total contempt by the killer, not only because his decision almost cost him his life but because now that he had his emotions back, he expected Killer to yell at him angrily for everything he had made him suffer in all this time.

Nightmare sighed in surrender and approached the stretcher, sitting on the opposite side of it.

"I'm the one who should apologize, my decision was the one that caused the mission to fail and put your life in danger" expressed Nightmare looking at the opposite's sockets.

"I-I don't deserve your apologies B-!" Killer exclaimed being interrupted by a finger placed on his 'lips' by the nightmare.

"There's no point in me apologies if in the end you're not going to accept them, and you can call me Nightmare when we're alone" spoke the nightmare, sayin the last word in a little flirty way.

Killer couldn't help but blush a little, 1. Nightmare was touching his 'lips' and 2. Nightmare allowed him to call him by his name instead of Boss.

The nightmare noticed the killer's blush and removed his finger immediately turning his face away, Killer could swear he saw a genuine smile for a moment on his Boss's face shaking his head to dissipate his thoughts and the blush disappear 'It must have be my imagination' he thought.

After that Nightmare got up from the stretcher and went to the door to leave, without first saying goodbye to Killer and teleporting directly to the Castle.

Killer could not have been more confused in his life, his boss's attitude seemed calmer than normal and that really intrigued him, all those thoughts vanished instantly when he realized something.

"Nightmare didn't realize that I got my feelings back, right?"


Here end today's chapter hoping you liked it, I thanks those who read, vote and comment in this story, thanks to you I keep updating new chapters and continue this book UwU.

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

With nothing more to say


1536 words.

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