Staying At The Monastery

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Skylor's POV

It's finally time to leave the hospital.

If only I had a place to stay......

Since my place got pretty busted by Wang, I can't stay in my apartment until it's fixed.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I say.

It's most likely Kai.

But to my surprise, it was Nya.

"Oh...hi, Nya."

She smirks. "Thought I was Kai, huh?"

"Only because he checks up 24/7." I retort.


"Did you seriously come here just to tease
me?" I snap.

"Sorry," she starts. "I came here to ask you if you want to stay at the monastery until your house gets repaired."

"Isn't that too much for you guys?"

"Why would it be?"

"Because you guys are super busy all the time."

"We're not super busy all the time. And it would be so fun to have you around." She says.

"You sure it's not too much?" I ask.

"Yes! Now get your stuff so we can go!"

I grabbed my stuff and we both left my room.

Kai and Jay were waiting for us.

"Did you convince her to stay with us?" Kai asks his sister.

"Of course I did. She's super easy to bribe." Nya responds.

"Uh, I'm right here."

"Whatever, let's just go!" Nya says.


When we entered the monastery, we see Zane and Pixal were playing a video game on the tv.

Pixal pauses it and looks over at us.

"Greetings, friends. Is everything better now?"

"Yes," Kai responds.

"Oh. Hello, Skylor. It is nice to see you," Pixal says with a smile.

"It's nice to see you too," I say.

After a couple hours of talking, I decide that I'm gonna go to bed.

Not because I'm tired, but because I'm anxious.

I may not act like I'm traumatized from what Wang did to me, but I am.

I've been having constant nightmares and it gets extremely hard to breathe.

"Guys," I start. "I'm very tired. So I'm gonna head to bed."

"Okay, I'll show you which room is yours." Kai exclaims.

My room is a small guest room that has a tiny bathroom attached to it.

"Okay, goodnight!" Kai says.

I then realize something.

"Wait, where can I leave my shop's keys?" I ask.

"Oh, I'll take them and put them somewhere."

"Thanks. Goodnight."

He then leaves and I change into my pajamas (that Nya gave me), brush my teeth and attempt to sleep.

I try so hard not to think about Wang stabbing me, but it's so difficult to not think about it.

Kai's POV

Yes! Skylor gave me her shop's keys!

Now, I have to tell my fellow ninja about my plan.

I walk back into the living room.

Cole and Zane are playing prime empire, Jay and Nya were talking about who knows what, and Lloyd was talking to Pixal about something.

"Guys, I have something important to discuss with you." I explain.

"Sorry Kai, but Zane and I are in the middle of a game. Can we talk later?" Cole says.

I go next to the tv and unplug the cord.

"There is no 'later'. It's already 12 am."

Cole dramatically groans.

"Fine, what's up?"

"Skylor can't work for 3 weeks and I want to take her place but she doesn't want me to. So I took her keys and I'm gonna go without her knowing. Can you guys make sure that she doesn't find out?" I say quietly.

Jay starts to laugh. "You know that thats a terrible idea, right? What if she starts watching the news, and it shows us fighting crime and you're not there? Or what if someone posts on social media about you running the noodle shop? Also, if you want her to be your girlfriend, you can't go behind her back."

"I agree with Jay," Zane says. "There is a 98.5% chance of her losing her trust in you if you do this."

"But she's been through so much and she needs a hand." I argue.

"Do whatever you want but don't say that we didn't warn you." Jay says.

"So does that mean that you guys won't tell her?" I ask.

They all sigh.

"Yeah." They say in unison.

Will she stop trusting me?

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