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Skylor's POV

I wake up very slowly.

I look to my side and see Kai handcuffed to the same pole as me, still unconscious.

I look straight to see see that ice looking guy and the ice emperor talking.

I close my eyes so if they look at me, they won't see that I'm awake.

"Vex, I'm very proud of you for capturing them without getting caught." Zane says.

So the guy's name is Vex,I think to myself.

"It was no problem at all. They're so foolish for not noticing me coming to their village this morning. I snuck into the boy's room, fed him a sedative pill that would affect him 2 hours later and left. And his foolish girlfriend stayed with him all day and even let me inside because of how much she cares about her precious boyfriend. Love is stupid." Vex says.

He is right. I am foolish.

How didn't I wake up in the middle of the night?

This is all my fault.


I just realized something.

I can use my smoke power to get out of the handcuffs!

Why isn't it working?

Is this vengestone?


How do I get out of here?

I look over at Kai, and see him slowly waking up.

"What the hell-" he screams, but I put my hand over his mouth, and shush him.

When I look around to see if they heard us, Vex looked over at me.

"Ah, you've finally woken up." He says with a smirk.

"What do you want from us?" I snap.

"What I want is your elemental power." Vex says.

"How do you plan on getting it?" I ask.

"I don't plan on getting it, I plan on using you." He says.

"No way."

"It's not like you have a choice. Either you become my servant or you get frozen by the dragon."

I look at Kai for help.

"Can I have some time to decide?"

"No, decide now."

Geez, he's pushy.

"Fine, I'll be your servant. Just let Kai go." I say.

"No, you're not gonna be here alone." Kai says.

"It's not like you can do anything, boy. Either you both get frozen or she works for me. And she made her choice." Vex says.

"Just let us go already." Kai says.

"Oh I will. And now she'll be with me and you'll go get frozen. Bye bye, lover boy!" Vex says.

"That wasn't apart of the deal!" I shout.

"That's too bad. Now go send that one to the dragon's lair!" Vex commands to his guards while pointing at Kai.

One guard goes to Kai and unlocks the handcuffs and grabs him. The other guard comes to me and unlocks my handcuffs but instead of grabbing me, he puts a staff on my back like a gun.

"Skylor, whatever you do, don't move! That is a scroll of forbidden spinjitzu! It can freeze you!"
Kai shouts.

"Okay, relax. I can handle myself." I say.

"Relaxing doesn't he-"

I cut him off by transmitting, I have a plan, don't worry.

Once they took Kai away, Vex walks over to me.

He puts his hands on my waist.

"Excuse me?" I say while pushing his hands off of me.

"Well this is the true plan. To make me powerful, I will have to marry you so our child can be strong." Vex says.

That reminds me of my dad...

"What makes you think I will marry you?" I hiss.

"You have no choice." He says.

He puts his hands on my waist again and tries to kiss me and I kick his stomach.

"Don't just stand there! Grab her!" Vex screams at his guards.

When they try to grab me, I turn into smoke.

"I knew she was the master of amber!" Vex screams as I leave.

I then use the power of speed to head over to Kai.

I grab him by the foot and use the power of smoke again which turns us both into smoke.

We finally get out of the castle and we reappear.

I set Kai down and give him a huge bear-hug.

"I thought I lost you." I whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Our embrace comes to an end when we hear super loud breathing and we look to our right to see that we are in the dragons lair.

(A/N: sorry this chapter is so short!)

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