Entering The Never Realm

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Skylor's POV

We have just entered the never realm and it's super snowy here.
Too bad none of us were prepared for that.

Soon enough, we're on the edge of a mountain.


Then Cole screamed, "We need to get out of here!"

Kai held onto my arm and I felt my cheeks go warm.

Come on, Skylor! You gotta focus!, I tell myself.
But I can't.

Especially since he started to carry me bridal style to get out of the land bounty.

That makes me blush as red as Kai's gi. When we finally get out, he puts me down and asks, "Are you okay, Skylor?"

"Oh y-yeah I'm fine. Just a little startled from what just happened." I say with a sheepish smile.

Jay and Lloyd start to make kissing noises which makes Kai say, "Are we here to goof off or are we here to find Zane?"

They nod and Jay says, "Yeah sorry. It's just that Kailor is so cute," Kai blushed but I say, "What's Kailor?" Jay smirks and was about to say something but Kai covers his mouth.

"It's not important. Let's start walking," Nya and Jay start walking next to each other while holding hands, Cole and Lloyd are talking to each other about their plans to find Zane and that just leaves me and Kai.

There's a bit of an awkward silence between us but I decide to break it.

"So... how are you feeling?" I ask with a gentle smile.

"Do you mean without my power?" He says frowning.

"Yeah. You haven't looked too happy. Well I know you just lost Zane but I can tell that you feel more upset about your power being gone."

I say while putting my hand on his shoulder.

He sighs and says, "Of course I miss Zane but I feel extremely useless without my power."

"Aw, Kai. You're not useless," I start, "with or without your power, you're still the same sweet, strong and funny guy that everyone loves."

He blushes darker than my hair color which makes me blush and he takes my hand and says, "Thanks, Skylor. I needed that."

I give him a warm smile and he returns one to me.


"Oh my gosh. It's freezing!" Jay says.

"If only I had my power." Kai mumbles.
His words make me sigh. If only he could see how amazing he truly is. But then I see something.

"Uh guys, I think we're surrounded by wolves!" I whisper shout.

Suddenly, a pack of grey wolves come from behind snow covered trees and all of us (except for Kai) have our elemental powers ready.

They come for the attack and I start using Lloyd's energy power on them.

Kai is just trying to avoid the wolves while the rest of us are attacking.

But then, we see a arrow hit the ground and it scares off the wolves.

A voice says, "Come with us if you want to live!"

We start running and we see this group of people with nice coats on and spears.

"Hey, are you guys not from here?"
We nod and they say, "come with us."

They lead us to a really cozy looking hut and say, "There's a fire going off in there to keep you warm."

We go inside to see an old woman sitting by the fire. "Hello, newbies. My name is Sorla. What about you guys?" She says.

"I'm Lloyd, this is Jay, Cole, Nya, Kai and Skylor."

"Very nice to meet you," She says.

"But why were you all just wondering around? And without jackets in the middle of the woods?"

We decide to trust her and tell her everything and she throws something in the fire.

She shows us Zane and starts shaking her head.

"I'm sorry to say this but your friend is lost."

"How can that be? He's right there." Kai says super confused.

"This is showing us that he's the Ice Emperor." Sorla says.

"The ice emperor?" The ninja and I say at the same time.

"Yes, the Ice Emperor took over our land a long time ago. He's very dangerous." Sorla admits.

"No," Lloyd starts, "Zane's strong. And no matter what happens, we're going to find him."

The rest of us nod. "This might be weird to mention now but, are you all elemental masters?" Sorla says.

"Yes," I answer. "Uh, Sorla, do you know how I can get my elemental power back?" Kai asks.

Sorla smiles and says, "When the time is right, your power will return." Kai sighs and says,"I should've expected you to say that."

I go to reach my hand over to his and he intertwines our fingers.
He holds my hand so tight that I nearly the lost circulation in my hand. But I don't mind.

Every time I feel his touch, I feel fireworks going off in my stomach but I know he doesn't like me back so I keep it to myself.

After a couple of minutes of talking to Sorla, she tells us where we could stay if we do some work for the village.

Nya and Jay have to clear the snow from the roof, Cole has to go fishing with Sorla, me and Kai are going to be checking the snowy woods for this dragon called Ice Dragon Boreal and make sure it doesn't come to the village.

Apparently, it makes people frozen into ice. And Lloyd's job is to look for Zane. It wasn't something Sorla told him to do but the team decided on doing it. Hopefully, he'll find him and not as what they call 'The Ice Emperor'.

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