Where Did She Come From?!

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Kai's POV

Zane just sacrificed himself for Sensei Wu from Aspheera's blast and everybody is in shock.

Especially Wu because he always thought of Zane as a son.

"What do we do now?", I say with a sad expression.

"We go get ready to find him. Everyone, go get your stuff from your rooms and meet up here." Lloyd says.

"I cannot allow that. Aspheera sent him to the never realm. It is called the never realm because you never come back." Wu says with a serious expression.

"We can't just leave him there! We're ninja and ninja never quit!" I say.

"You'll do as I say!" Says Wu.

"I'm sorry that we have to do this to you, Master but PIXAL, please tape him up." PIXAL nods and soon, master Wu is wrapped up.

That's my cue to go to my room to get my things ready for the trip.

But once I get into my room, I hear rustling sounds. In an instant, I grab my weapon and say, "Whoever's there, I'm gonna get you! So come out!" Surprisingly, Skylor popped out and my eyes grow wide.

Where did she come from?!

"Oh, hey, Kai. You're probably wondering why I'm here." She says.

"Yeah. I really am. Please just explain." I say trying not to blush but fail.
I haven't seen her in what feels like forever.

"Well," she starts, "I heard that you lost your fire power and I wanted to come check up on you so I drove here. And I knocked on the Monastery's door and PIXAL answered it and I told her that I heard what happened. She said that I should surprise you in your room to make you feel better but honestly, you look bummed to see me."

I felt my cheeks go warm. She wanted to check up on me?
"Oh," which is all I can say. "I'm not disappointed in seeing you. I'm just upset because Zane got sent to the never realm by Aspheera."

Her eyes went super wide. "The Never Realm? How long has it been since he was sent there?"  She says sounding worried.

"I dunno. Like 10 minutes? Why?" I say super confused.

"The time zone is much faster than ours! We have to get him quick!" She says.

"Wait. What do you mean by 'we'?" I say. Her cheeks turn crimson red. "Oh. I was wondering, uh, can I come with you guys?"

I really wanna scream, "YES! PLEASE COME!" But instead I say, "I'll speak to the others. You should show them that you're here. It'll lighten up the mood."

She smiles and says, "Don't you have to pack first?"

"Oh yeah, I'll do that." Once I finished packing, I offer her my hand and she blushed a very light shade of pink and took my hand. Every time I feel her skin on mine, my heart flutters uncontrollably.

As we walk out of my room, I see that the rest of the ninja are standing outside of my room pretending that they haven't been listening to mine and Skylor's conversation.

"Uh guys, were you standing there the whole time?" I say nervously.

"What? No! We definitely didn't hear you guys talking about Skylor coming with us to the never realm!" Jay says.

"Jaaaay! Come on!" Nya says, rolling her eyes.

Skylor just sighs and says, "Well since you all know, can I come?"

All the ninja look at each other and Lloyd says, "First, we need to talk it over as a team."
We all walk to the corner of the monastery and Nya says, "I think Skylor should come! That'll mean that Kailor will be official!"

All the ninja stare at Nya.
"What's kailor?" I say super confused.

"It's obviously the ship name for you and Skylor! If she comes you guys can finally be official!" My sister says while squealing.

I could feel blush crawling onto my cheeks. "What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Oh come on, it's so obvious that you guys like each other. You guys walked out holding hands." Cole says with a smirk.

"Whatever. Can we just go back to talking about Skylor coming on the trip?" I say trying to ignore my feelings.

After a long talk, I finally got the rest of the ninja to agree with Skylor coming to the never realm.

"Ok, we've waisted enough time. Skylor, if you're coming, come now." Lloyd says.

Skylor nods and PIXAL opens up the portal for us to go.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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