Chapter 5: A timeleaper's decision

Start from the beginning

"Even though I gathered all those spectators, I had to end the fight", grunted Kiyomasa. Underground fighting?! I see..... that fight earlier was a fight people were betting money on. I remember now, Toman was into the Bookie business. "For now....let's toughen up this piece of shit", announced Kiyomasa. "What are you a fucking turtle!? Stand up fucker!". I curled up into a ball as one of Kiyomasa's men kicked me.

"Come on! I'm gonna beat some fucking guts into ya!". I had forgotten..... I was these guys's slaves. I was controlled by Toman. "The fuck is with this turtle?". "Leave me something to hit too red". I listened as two guys talked about beating me up, but I still lay curled up. "You lame motherfucker!".

We were forced to fight against our wills and then 'toughened up'. Day in..... and day out....It was a living hell. And that's why I ran away. I abandoned my friends, even my girlfriend Tachibana. "Ow". "Next time try a little harder". "Yeah today you were so pathetic". "Let's go". "Wanna get some ramen?". "Hmmm". "Wait Hanagaki is already awake?", Red grins as he turns back to look at me.

" guys are in the Tokyo Manji gang aren't you? I'd like to meet one of the leaders. Either Sano or Kisaki would do. Ah, if that's not possible then that's okay". "Bring me my bat", ordered Kiyomasa. I was once again curled up into a ball as Kiyomasa hit me with his bat. His men just looked on in fear as I was hit.

"H-hey, don't you think we should stop him soon?". "Uh....yeah". "Hey Kiyomasa! Better be careful!". "He's gonna die". A few minutes past eight I was lying beneath a lamp, my body hurt. "Hey". I felt someone's shoe prod my side. "Wake up Hanagaki!". "Ugghh". I sat up only to be met by Kiyomasa's flaring face.

"The next time Sano kuns name comes out of your mouth, you know what'll happen? I'll fucking kill you". I froze and swallowed as I felt fear consume me. I don't even want to know how he will kill me. What's wrong with this guy! You cant even talk to him!! This is impossible! I won't be able to meet them like this!

He said he'd kill me if I even say the leaders name again!! Am I really gonna die?! Is this guy seriously a middle schooler!? After Kiyomasa left I picked myself up and ran to Hina's house. Get in touch with the leaders of Tokyo Manji gang!!? Me who's basically a slave!!? "That's impossible!! It's impossible Naoto!!", I shouted. Passer-by's just looked at me strangely before continuing on their way. I walked with a slouched posture as I remember.

I had forgotten.....I had completely forgotten......That I am Me. Even in their second life, a useless guy will still be useless. I'm going home.... back to the future. "But how can I go home though?..". Oh yeah.... Naoto told me his hand shake is the trigger. So then if I meet the past Naoto I can....

*Ding dong!*.

I wait in front of the Tachibana residence as I rang the doorbell. "Huh. I wonder if no one's home". It has to be Naoto. If I can shake hands with Naoto, then I'll be able to return to the future. 'You are the only one who can save my sister.....'. Am I running away again? "Hanagaki-kun?". I turn my head to see Hinata walking towards me, bag in hand.

"Tachibana why are you here?". "Uh... why? Because that is my house?", she asks hesitantly. "Oh that's...right", I sheepishly rub the back of my head. "Did you get in another fight", she leans into my face. "Ugh.....sorry". "Why are guys always getting into fights?..... if only I were a guy too".

"Huh?". I watched as Hinata grinned at me "And then..... I'd protect you Hanagaki-kun", she exclaimed while punching the air with a fist. "Since I'd trained in Karate, if I were a boy I'd be strong". "In that case.....I'd also protect you Hina!". I accidently called her Hina?! "Okay!".

"Oh man she tricked me into saying that", I mutter quietly. "That's fine too! But I'd be better at protecting!". "Hah?"..... "Cause Takemichi-kun is a big cry baby. If I were a boy I'd definitely be stronger". "Oi, oi! That ain't true you know! When you say cry baby you're talking what happened last time aren't ya!", I protested. "Haha!".

"Forget about that!". "No way! I'll never forget that!". "Bye bye!". I smiled and walked away as Hina said goodbye and entered her home. I walked through the dark streets thinking about Hina. In my time Hina and I aren't dating and hadn't seen each other in years. So I don't have any obligation to save her. 'I'd protect you Hanagaki-kun!'. "I cant let her die!!", I rubbed at my tears furiously.

Next Day

*Ding dong Ding dong!* "Takemichi-kun!! Why'd you lose to that guy! That just ain't like you!". "Takuya?", I turn around to see him there. Oh he's talking about yesterdays underground fight?

In The Bathroom:

"We'll be doing another underground fight today. Kiyomasa-kun just called me", spoke Akkun. We were all standing in the bathroom listening to Akkun's words while Yamagishi simultaneously had a bathroom break and listened. "And he said todays fighter is......Takuya". I froze at Akkun's words. Takuya's body....... was weak.

"I see....". "But it's impossible for Takuya!". "He ain't good at fighting!", protested Yamagishi and Makoto. "Tell that to Kiyomasa-kun!". "Can you?". "If I could take Takuya's place I would....". " my fight!", Takuya smiled at me. "If I win you'll buy me some gyudon wont you?".


"Do your best Takuya!". You can't lose when it comes to determination!". "Okay". I thought they were so lame..... But they are pretty cool after all...... I had such great friends when I was in middle school..... "Takemichi hurry up!". "Alright let's go!". "Yeah!". "Hello gentlemen! The competitors are just as it said in the email!", shouted Aikashi. "We have Sakura middle's Kojima!". "Yeeaaahh".

"Don't just yell yeah, Moron!". "You're getting carried away ain'tcha fuckface!". "If you lose I'll me you dance in your underwear!". "And Mizo Mid's Yamamoto. "Kill him you long haired bastard!". "He's fucking terrified!". "The odds are 4 to 6 slightly in Kojima's favour!". "Give it all you got Yamamotoooo!".

"I bet 500 yen on ya!". "Alright come on! I'mma chop you into three pieces!", taunted Kojima. "Begin". "WAIT!". Everyone shut up and looked at Takemichi. "Ta......Takemichi!", muttered Takuya. "The fuck you doing shit licker!?". I put my hands under my head as I grinned. "oh man. Isn't it boring having to watch the same fights every day? Don't ya wanna watch something more interesting?".

"He's pretty smart for a second year punk!". "Hah who is this dude?". "A second year?". "Something more interesting?", asked Kiyomasa. I have to fight........ "How about.."...... I cant runaway. Not in the past and not in the future. "The King vs. The Slave". "Huh?".

"The fuck that mean!?". "Takemichi? No way...". "Kiyomasa-kun. Let's have a one on one fight!". If I don't change then nothing else can change either. "Hah?", Kiyomasa walked up to me. I'm not going to run away anymore.....

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