Nat: Oh, you don't like that idea? [to Sandy] Then we'll sacrifice you!

the crowd carries Mr. Krabs outside chanting "sacrifice," when SpongeBob Patrick and fini enter the scene

Fini: there will be no sacrifices!

Mr Krabs: SpongeBob me boy! I knew you'd come back! There was never a doubt in my mind

SpongeBob: we found out the resin on how the formula vanished!

Fini: someone has gained access to an ancient book called, the book of written curses and spells, when written in it, strange and bizarre things become reality

Fred: what kind of weird things?

Fini: like this for example

She writes on the page as a skeleton magically appears with muscle and tissue appearing on it until it became a Tyrannosaurus rex with a familiar looking face

She writes on the page as a skeleton magically appears with muscle and tissue appearing on it until it became a Tyrannosaurus rex with a familiar looking face

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Squidward: Squidasaurus Rex!

The squidasaurus roars as it stomps around crushing everything in sight until fini stops it in its tracks

Fini: No! Bad squidasaurus. Bad

The dinosaur then whimpers

Fini: I believe that answers your question

SpongeBob: and we believe that this is the work of the three headed devil ghidorah!

SpongeBob: and we believe that this is the work of the three headed devil ghidorah!

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Everyone: (gasps)

SpongeBob: I hear he's using this book to open a portal to somewhere unleashing several bad guy titans to unleash on mankind!

Mr krabs: oh no! He used that book to steal me formular! If he continues to use that book that dragons gonna destroy our world!

SpongeBob: and in the name of all fishood, I am not about to let that happen! They said that their base is a place called apex at California!

Everyone looks to one another in consent

Mr krabs: I doubted me boy-o once, and I am not about to make that mistake again! Okay SpongeBob, [tears off his apocalyptic outfit] lead the way!

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