🌻See You At The End🌻 (Final Chapter)

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Dean's POV

I grabbed Sam's jacket collar and yanked him away from the incoming line of fire from the beasts, the bullet grazed his elbow but no serious damage was done to him.

“Thanks,” he took a couple breaths before letting me help him up to his feet.

“Don't mention it.”


I whirled around only to find a trio coming towards my brother and I, they sneered and snapped their jaws at us as if trying to be threatening, I just chuckled.

I rose my gun, I had just enough silver to take them down.

I shot one, they fell to the ground immediately then I shot the other one in the leg, they collapsed screaming in pain.

Their leader growled and got on all fours, his eyes directly on Sam as he charged at us.

I only had one bullet left, I need to make this one count.

Sam's eyes were wide with fear, I looked at him and gave him my gun. He nods his head and took a breath before aiming.

But no shot was fired.

The beast froze and slowly glanced at the sword sticking out of his chest, the god standing behind him. I watched as he pulled the helix blade out and the body fell to the ground.

Sam lowered the gun, staring at the wounded that was clenching his leg to stop it from bleeding. Sam, without hesitation, shot the beast right in between the eyes.

The god looks around at the battle taking place, he told us not to intervene, whatever that meant.

Turquoise magic formed around his blade, Tyler was with me and so was Patrick, Nathan and Josh. The god looked over his shoulder at us before vanishing completely.

“What the fuck?!” Patrick cried out, but before we could give him a response the ground from beneath us started to shake, making me lose balance and fall on my back.

The deity made himself known a couple of meters away, his face held no emotion as he eyed the remaining beasts. One had Ryan by his throat but quickly dropped the boy once he saw the god staring at him, the tall warrior let out a roar as he sliced the beast cleanly in half. Ryan screamed.

“Go to your group boy,” Torvus spoke as Ryan nodded his head before shooting up and bolted towards us.

Billie Joe stopped what he was doing and ordered Mike, Trē, Pete and Toby to retreat.

Once everything was cleared the god got to work, killing every monster that crossed his path with just a swing of his sword.

A Lykos jumped onto his back, taking the god by surprise as he tried to claw at his throat but the deity grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder, the beast landed on his back with a blade in his stomach. His blood all over the gods pale face as his markings glowed.

I was astonished, we all are at what was happening right now.

We watched from the sidelines as Torvus steamrolled everything, killing the Lykos one by one until none where left.

We were silent, only the sound of fire crackling can be heard from the cars that exploded.

The god was in front of my line of vision, shoulders rose and fell as he caught his breath.

He sheathed his blood covered sword and turned around to face us directly.

None of us said a word.

“Is everyone alright?”

Jack ran over to us with the girl close behind him. Arrow fell into Patrick's arms as she cried on his shoulder, her face was covered in dirt and grime, honestly all of us were a mess.

Sam looked around at everyone making a headcount, all of us where present, except one.

“Where's Oliver?”

Tyler dart his eyes to me as his face fell, what does he know?

“Let me just show you,” Billie Joe was the one that spoke, he starts walking and Sam and I followed along with the others.

We stepped over bodies of the fallen as we made our way over to the sidewalk next to a run down gas station, a body was laying there, a Lykos covering them.

I crouched down next to them while Josh helped Sam remove the body, and there layed Oliver.

He was lifeless, a bullet straight to his heart as I examined the body further, his eyes were still opened and his skin was sickly pale. He looked like he had been dead for more then a few hours.

“What happened here?” The god made himself known, I jumped a little by his unexpected appearance.

“One of our own has been-” Toby couldn't finish his sentence, he was too in shock to say anything else but Torvus knew what he was trying to get at and he lowered his head in sympathy.

I looked at the body one last time before closing Oliver's eyes and stood.


I stayed silent during our ride back to the warehouse, deep in thought of what went down.


I ignored Dean as I rested my temple on the cool glass of the window, closing my eyes and try to sleep, but as always, sleep never comes.

Once we made it back to the warehouse I felt something, like something that feels...off.

But I didn't know what it was and I just brushed it off as nothing not knowing that it'll bite me in the ass later on.

“Alright pack up your stuff,” Patrick ordered us, “We leave for the residence in the morning.”

All of us went about our business as I unzipped my backpack, filling it with everything that it could carry. I put on my hoodie and grabbed Brendon's journal but I stopped.

Well that's odd.

The book was glowing a whitish light, I gasped and dropped the book like it was on fire. Dean saw this and stormed over to where I was as Nathan, Josh, Toby, Castiel and Sam followed.

“What the hell is going on here?” Toby says as he eyes the book while pulling out his gun, I couldn't respond because I felt the magic envelope me, consuming me. It felt like I was on clouds.

“Tyler!” I heard Patrick yell from a distance as the book consumed me even more, making me drowsy. 

And then everything went black.


And that's the end, for now.

Thanks so much for reading.

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