🌻Chapter Fourteen🌻

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2 weeks later

I sat crossed-legged on the floor, journal in hand as I skimmed through it once again to see if I had missed any known information about the mask before we leave for Cincinnati in a few hours.

My duffel bag was packed for the trip and Gerard had insisted on paying for the hotel we were going to be staying at. Turns out it wasn't just the four of us going but Billie Joe and his group are tagging along as well.

They had rented a van for us, enough room to fit ten people.

Of course, I was excited to be a part of this trip but then again, I still had a bad feeling about this and it was eating me alive.

And so, I pushed that aside as I stood up from the floor, gazing out of the window to see the moon at its crescent. The stars twinkling in the night sky.

It was about 5 am and I couldn't go back to sleep due to a nightmare, it was my worst one yet and it still shook me to my very core, all I remember from it was markings and people dying, that was about it.

Ryan was passed out on the top bunk, his light snores were the only thing breaking the silence and distracting me from my thoughts. The moon was beginning to set as dawn approached reaching closer to us leaving this place and go to whatever this event was that left me with absolute apprehension.

But of what though? Why the hell was I acting like this? I'm sure nothing bad will happen on this trip to Cincinnati, the nightmare didn't tell me much except flashing images that I saw in my dream, all pointing to dead bodies and burning buildings, that's what terrified me more, I didn't want another apocalypse to happen and I will make damn sure it doesn't.

The alarm clock startled me away from my thoughts once it reached 5:50am stirring Ryan awake as I walked over to the nightstand and pushed the off button on the clock, silence fell in the room once more. The younger sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, not taking notice of me yet.

He jumped off from his bed, not using the latter that was placed at the side and walked into the bathroom, that was when I had to leave, grabbing my bag to bring to the van that was parked outside.

Once I was out of the house and over to the van, I had noticed something strange about the moon. A few days ago while I was out taking Vessel on a ride to stretch her legs, It was a nice night with nothing on my mind until I glanced up at the moon, it was full and close to the earth but something was haunting about it that made me stop in my tracks and question everything.

It was forming a face and it looked ready to kill at any moment. And that alone scared the living shit out of me.

This was something I've never seen in my life. I didn't know how to react to the sudden change of events and immediately went to tell Gerard about my discovery.

“That is strange,” He told me that night, gazing up at the moon observantly, “the moon isn't supposed to have a face, I'll make a report to my colleagues back home and see what the hell is going on.”

I said nothing after that and left the office, this was overwhelming to me. I didn't know what to think of this as I remembered going back to my room to find out what all of this meant. Brendon's journal mentioned nothing and it was frustrating and ever since then, I was nose deep in a book.

So far, my research is inconclusive.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and closed the back door of the van after I had put my bag inside, Ryan came out of the house all dressed and ready for work on the farm.

He shot me a smile before running away to attend to the broken vinyl fence that one of the thoroughbreds managed to run into while Pete was training her.

A few moments later I went back into the house to get ready, I was sure the boys were already up and moving right about now. Nate was coming out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand as I entered the room. He looked like he had just woken up.

“Morning,” I say to him, putting on a fake smile trying to hide my uneasy feeling about this trip.

“Morning Tyler,” he says groggily, taking a careful sip of his coffee, “are you ready for today?”

No. “Ready as I'll ever be.” my voice cracked after I had said that but think god Nate didn't notice because right now, my heart was ready to rip out of my chest.

“That's good and Toby wanted me to tell you that we will leave after breakfast.”

I didn't say anything and nodded my head in response before returning to my room, I wasn't hungry at the moment and so I thought a little bit of research will help pass the time.

About an hour later and two pages of notes finished, I was ordered to meet everyone outside to get ready to go.

Billie Joe was driving and the look on Trè's face told me all I needed to know and this road trip will be an experience I will never forget even if Billie Joe decides to crash the van into a pole. I hope that doesn't happen.

As usual, I was the last one to get into the van and take the seat in the very back next to Josh and Trè, Toby and Nate took the middle seats in front of us while Mike took the passenger.

The roar of the engine sprung to life and we were off to Cincinnati with Billie Joe driving like a madman.

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