🌻Throw My Cares Away, For Now🌻

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I woke up right about 10 the next morning, Josh was still sleeping in the bed next to my own with his arm covering his eyes and red hair sticking up every which way like he got electrocuted in his sleep.

He stirred a little, removing his arm to help him sit up and rub away the sleep from his eyes. He looks over at me and gave a small smile.

“Good morning to you too,” I tell him, pulling the blankets off of me and stretching my limbs. Josh got up from his bed and over to his backpack that was placed by the door, he unzips it and pulls out a pair of black skinny jeans, a shirt and shoes before heading to the bathroom to change.

As I waited for him, I too had decided to finally get up and walk over to my own bag and pick out my clothes for the day. But, the sudden feeling of dread stopped me from my task at hand. I swallowed a lump in my throat and continued what I was doing, trying my best to ignore the tying knots in my stomach.

Once Joshua was out of the bathroom I quickly grabbed my stuff and stepped inside, closing and locking the door right after. I undressed and the first thing I grabbed was my skeleton hoodie, I put that on.

As I struggled with my own pair of black skinny jeans I heard Josh from the other side of the door, “Toby and Nathan are here, they said to meet them at the mess hall in five.”

I signed, taking my eyes over to the door, “Okay,” was all I said as I quickly threw on my shoes and grabbing my pajamas from where I threw them carelessly on the floor. I walked out of the bathroom and placed the clothes into my duffel bag, Josh was leaned casually up against the door frame, waiting for me to get done so that we can leave.

Once I was finished I followed Josh out of the room and over to the mess hall next to the main lobby of the hotel, Toby greeted us as we entered.

“We leave after breakfast, we want to get good seats for the fight.” He says with a huge smile on his face. I frowned after he said those words, the bad feelings I was having immediately came back and it was bothering the hell out of me. I wanted to say something about it but I didn't want to ruin the mood, so I stayed silent.

We stayed for half an hour until finally Billie Joe told us that it was time to go, we grabbed our bags for our trip back to the residence and made our way to the van. Trè was the first to call passenger as he rushed past Nate and I. Mike was glaring daggers at his friend's back.

“Sharing is caring as they say,” Billie Joe smirked while patting Mike's back and walking away to join Trè. 

Mike didn't say anything, he just pouted as we all climbed into the van with me taking the middle seat next to the window, Nathan and Josh next to me as Billie Joe started up the vehicle.


I looked off in the distance and was amazed at what I was seeing, the feeling of dread vanishing.

We were approaching a Colosseum, but it was nothing like the historical landmark that we all know, this one was made of glass and was much smaller. The sun's rays illuminated the columns with their light making the glass shimmer beautifully.

Billie Joe parked the van once we arrived at our destination, “I didn't know this was here,” I say, not taking my eyes away as I stared in awe.

Nate chuckled from beside me, “it was built a couple of years ago before the apocalypse started, I'm surprised it's still standing.”

I couldn't help but nod and continued our way into the Colosseum, we gave our tickets to a lady before finding our seats as I examined the place, we were not that far away from the circular center of the room, the floor was covered in dirt as weapons lined the walls for the supernatural to use. The ceiling was covered just in case it rained which according to Toby, wasn't going to be a problem.

Josh, Nate, Billie Joe and I took the first four seats in the row behind Toby and the others, I pulled my hood over my head as an announcer walked onto the center of the room, excitement glistened on Toby's face as he looked over his shoulder at me, I just gave him a thumbs-up as the announcer called fourth the first showdown, everyone cheered as two beings emerged. One was a vampire and the other, as of what I could tell, was a wendigo.

The announcer didn't hesitate to make his move out of the way as the two crashed into each other at full force. They punched and bit at each other's throats until the vampire kicked the wendigo on its side, it fell and landing on its back and that was the vampire's chance to finish it off for good. He grabs the other monster by its neck and hissed before slamming it down hard into the ground, knocking the monster out.

He didn't hesitate as I watched him dig his fangs into the beast's throat and tearing it apart.

This went on until sunset as the announcer called for the final fight. Toby was still as giddy as he'll ever be as we saw a giant, ghoul-like monster make his way over to the center. His opponent was, not what any of us had expected.

A boy about a year younger than I was made his way over, from what I can tell he had no weapon on him, he was defenseless. Josh knitted his eyebrows together and leaned over to whisper something into Nate's ear, he nods his head as if he was agreeing on whatever Joshua had said.

“The fuck is that?” Billie Joe's voice rang out against the audible whispers of the crowd as he points at something, I followed what he was looking at and saw the boy holding some sort of object in his hands.

“Can anyone see what the hell it is?” Trè leaned forward with his eyes squinted, Josh turns his head to face me as if I knew something but honestly, I didn't know jack shit.

Just then, the boy puts the object over his face, my eyes grew wide like saucers as I found out that it was a mask. But it wasn't just any mask I had ever seen in my life.

The boy held his stomach and collapsed onto the ground, he screamed in agony as white light surrounded him and blinding us from what the hell we were just witnessing.

His screams then turned into growls as the light faded a few moments later. My vision clearing as I looked to see what happened, and what I saw made me want to vomit.

A man stood where the boy was just at mere seconds ago, his eyes were white and pupilless as he looked to be about 10 feet tall, towering over the ghoul as he cowers down in fear. His hair was white and he wore armor that looked like it could take on anything, even a simple gunshot. He was very muscular as well. And the clothes he wore were nothing like I was wearing right at this very moment. They were a whitish tunic with a matching cap that he wore on his head, black tights, boots, and gauntlets around both of his wrists. But what caught my eye was the blue and red markings on his face, I swore I've seen them before but I don't remember where.

The beast then stretched out his left hand, now holding a huge double helix sword and without a moment's hesitation the ghoul was sliced in half without mercy and the monster that killed him, was smiling. 

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