🌻Chapter Eight🌻

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“So, you just wanna watch the world burn again? Do you Zayden?”

I can hear them from inside my room as the two brothers argued in a bedroom next to my own I shared with Ryan. There was silence for a few seconds.

“No, that wasn't what I meant at all!” The younger snapped, his voice rising just a little, “I'm just proofing a point, Tobias! This has nothing to do with what's going on right now.”

“Yes, it does! You know what's going on out there, everyone is turning against each other again! And all you wanna do is talk shit on Tyler.”

“No, that's no-”

“Save it,” and that was the end of all of that, silence fell again and a door slammed shortly after, footsteps storming angrily past Ryan and I's room.

I was surprised nobody woke up to that, it was about 10 pm and the boys had been going at it for thirty minutes, screaming at each other about Apocalypse 2.0 and what was going on.

My guess was everyone was used to the two arguing by now.

Ryan stuck his head over the bed's frame, looking down at me, I just laid there with an arm over my eyes.

“Sorry you had to hear that,” the now eighteen-year-old boy whispered, I removed my arm away, lowering it to my side, gazing up at him.

“Why are you apologizing Ryan? There is no need.”

“You heard all the stuff Zayden said about your relation to Gerard, and it's not your fault,” I was used to people and what they thought about me, this wasn't my first rodeo and I didn't care what Zayde thought, but he was entitled to his own opinion whether I liked it or not.

I didn't say anything back, the room was deathly silent as I grabbed Brendon's journal from the nightstand, Ryan pulled his head back and made himself comfortable on the top bunk, leaving me alone with just my thoughts and the journal now in my hands.

I opened up the book and begin to read.

February 12th, 2084

“A week had passed since we've found her on the side of the road on our way to get supplies for the Rebellion. She's beginning to get used to her new way of life and Spencer has been taking care of her while we were out.
Ryan spent some time with her today, asking her what she knows, turns out she doesn't remember, she looked confused after he asked her where she's from.
“I don't know,” was her only reply.
We were clueless, trying to understand the basics of this unknown creature we know nothing about.
“Do you remember your name at least?” I asked her and she nods.
“It's Arrow,” she tells me.
She didn't say anything else after that and I was getting even more curious. She had mentioned something a few days ago about this item, a mask that is, a very powerful one at that. Dallon also wanted to know more about this ‘mask’ and begun research immediately, we've found nothing so far.”

I closed the book after I was finished, so I was right about the girl I met today. We've found her, but I wanted to know why she was here. According to Brendon, she doesn't remember what happened to her nor what planet she came from.

He also mentioned a mask, what the fuck does that have to do with all this? Well, I didn't know.

I inhaled a breath, my mind was starting to spin as I clenched the journal tightly in my hands. Blurry's laughter came and went within a snap of a finger, he was silent for a long while, up until now.

He wasn't done with me, I knew that for a fact.

If you're listening you little bastard just so you know, I can take you, no matter how hard I try I will not surrender at your hand.

Will see about that.

A growl ripped out of my throat, it wasn't loud enough to wake up Ryan though as I turned over on my side with the book slid underneath my pillow, he's always like this and I hated it.

It was going to be a long night for me as sleep consumed me, swallowing me whole.

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