🌻Hunters March🌻

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“Gerard how could you!” Billie Joe screamed at his leader, the leader that he had been loyal to since the very beginning.

The white haired vampire smirked, “she made a good offer, and just couldn't refuse.” He crossed his arms over his chest and took his eyes over to where I was at, I snarled, clenching the pistol in my hand.

“Son don't give me that look,” He says to me, “you know you can't kill me, right?”

And that he was, back at the mansion when he stuck that needle into his neck so that he could be more powerful then he was, and I shot him, right in the back of his head. I still remember that day very vividly.

I now I wished he should've stayed dead.

Dean was the first to move, he sprinted and tackled Gerard to the ground, machete in hand and trying to aim for his neck as the vampire forced the hunter onto his back.

They wrestled with each other for a few minutes, Dean's face bloody as the weapon he was using flew out of his hand and into my reach.

I didn't hesitant to grab it. Arrow stared at me with wide eyes as I made my way over to them, everyone watches as I let out a battle cry and sliced through Gerard's neck.

His body falls limb as his head went flying, landing at Sam's feet. The young hunter didn't bother to look down.

Everyone had their jaws dropped, including Jack.

I helped Dean to his feet as Castiel came over and healed him until he was good as new, Dean looked over his shoulder at me and gave me a side smile.

“You did well,” He spoke as I looked down at the ground but I nodded and that was that.

“Guys look!” The sound of Patrick's voice rang in my ears as I whirled around to see what he was pointing at, a group of Lykos were headed our way, making themselves known from the alleyways of the city.

From what I know there was a least eighty of them and all of them where armed to the teeth.

“That's not good,” Trē breaths while Mike cocked his gun at the ready.

“Get ready!” Dean yelled, his voice gruff and hoarse. I glanced up to see the moon, it's mouth still open and magic was pouring out of it like a small tornado.

But before I could run over to it I was tackled by a large Lykos, we both fell on to the concrete.

The others were already dealing with the pack as I jumped on top of him and started punching him til my knuckles bled, he growled at me and tried to claw my face but I jumped back before he could get me.

“Tyler Joseph,” The beast chuckled darkly as he struggled to get up, his yellow eyes on me as he wiped away the blood pouring from his nose, “Frank told me so much about you,” he walks over, his steps predatory but that didn't faze me at all, “you do got an aim that's for sure but enough of that.” He cracks his knuckles before leaping into the air, my gun was already at aim and I shoot.

The silver bullet met it's target as a cry was heard throughout the chaos, the body fell from the sky and collided to the ground, the beast was dead and laying in the pool of his own crimson.

“Bitch,” I kicked the body before bolting to the magic portal, I looked inside the dark abyss of the mouth, wondering what could be inside.

“Tyler, what the hell are you doing!?”

I turned around to face the trio running up, Patrick was the one that spoke as Josh and Nate not far behind him.

“Where's Arrow?” I looked around frantically, trying to find the blue haired girl among the body's of the fallen Lykos.

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