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Three days later

My dear mother,

You probably won't believe me for what I'm about to tell you, or perhaps you already know. I write to you because I'm worried sick and I beg of you to leave the city with Summer, it's not going to be safe any longer and I cannot explain to you why for it will frighten you.

I write this as a warning! Please, get to somewhere safe or maybe come to where I am, Fallton, Ohio. I'm sure you know where that is. But once or if you get here, keep Summer close by you!

I also want to apologize for running off again without telling you, I know you're maybe pissed at me and I deserve a good scolding.

I miss you guys deeply and I pray you make it out safely.

                           Sincerely, Tyler.

I read over the letter, making sure everything was correct before putting it into the envelope to mail to my address. I was a nervous mess, the moon was closer than it was just days prior and everyone in the Regions were starting to panic, forgetting about the Frank situation to evacuate their homes.

Speaking of Frank, that pint-sized fuck has been quiet for a while now and it was starting to get wary for me. Still, he is a major threat to The Survivors and we don't know what the hell he is planning nor what mischief he is secretly causing behind closed doors.

But we will deal with all of that later. Gerard just got back from the Justice Center to talk with the cities officials. A trial will, for sure, be placed for The Deity.

It took some time though since the officials were indeed supernatural and agreed to their leader's request.

And now, that day has come.

Sam will be Torvus's attorney,  according to Dean his brother had studied law at Stanford before joining him full time to hunt, making him somewhat eligible for the job, if he knows what he's doing.

not that I'm doubting him or anything.

The room we were in was silent, the ancient walls held banners of each supernatural race in existence. From ghosts to gods, they held the purpose of these beings that Sam and Dean hunt all day, every day. I'm sure they have their reason for doing what they do.

I sat behind Sam and the Deity, a wooden barrier between us. Arrow was next to me, her face was unreadable as I took my glance at her.

So far it was just us and a few other people in the room, Gerard wanted to keep this as private as possible so that the Survivors wouldn't get any more worked up.

I put the now sealed envelope into my jean pocket as four judges made their way to their official spot at the table. Both Sam and Torvus rose to their feet, we all did the same thing.

The one in the middle, a young man about thirty with shoulder-length raven hair stood from his place his black robe flowing with his movements. He glared down at the god, no hint of fear in his features.

He spoke with authority, “this trial has come to order, may the first witness step forward.”

Everyone sat down by the man's order, the only ones that remained standing were Torvus and Sam.

The double doors behind me opened and closed as a young woman made her way to the stand, she looked frightened and out of place.

She took a seat in the wooden chair next to the judges as Sam made his way over to her, adjusting his tie.

“Can you explain to the court what happened that evening at The Colosseum?” He asked.

The women looked down and then back up again, “he killed them,” she says softly, remorseful, “he killed them all.”

Sam nodded, taking a step forward and placing his hands in the pockets of his suit, “and what exactly did he do? In your witness statement, you said and I quote ‘sliced all of those people in half’ is that true?”

“Y-yes,” the woman stuttered, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Torvus growled, the woman jumped from her seat and attempted to run away but Sam grabbed her just in time as the middle judge slammed his mallet irritatingly. Sam helped the women back into the chair as the room quieted down.

“One more from you,” The man seethed, pointing his mallet at the god before sitting down, “continue Mr. Winchester.”

About two hours and six witnesses later it was now time for the moment of truth, to decide the fate of the god.

I watched the jury enter into the room and take their seats.

Torvus glanced over his broad shoulder to look at us, his face fell. I took my eyes over to the girl beside me. My heart hurt for her.

The judge spoke once again, “have you reached a decision?”

A woman stood holding a piece of paper in her hands, the god's fate written down.

“We have your honor,” she says, “we find the deity here, guilty of mass genocide!”

Arrow gasped, tears spilled from her eyes as Torvus roared in fury.

He was causing a ruckus as a couple of guards try to take him away. They had no choice but to sedate him as he fell to the floor which caused the whole room to tremble.

I took Arrow outside with Sam in tow, she held onto me tightly as if I was the only thing keeping her sane.

“It's done,” Sam lowered his head sympathetically, but Arrow was too busy sobbing to say anything back.

I rubbed my hands in a circular motion against her back as I carried her to the car that waited outside the building.

“It's okay,” I crooned, trying my best to calm her down, “everything is going to be alright.”

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