🌻Chapter Ten🌻

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Patrick's words haven't left my mind for the entire day, I was starting to finally realize his warning about the mask and that it was bad news.

But, I was still curious though. What is so special about the mask? What was it doing here anyway? What's the point?

I shook my head as I walked alongside Nathan on our way to the east wing of the house that held the library. I was doing more research on the supernatural.

Nathan already knew about what happened this morning, so there was no need for an explanation. He too was just as uneasy as everybody else.

My mind wouldn't stop thinking about the mask and the only people who knew about it are Arrow, Dallon and possibly Ryan.

Brendon and Spencer are both dead which wouldn't help us any in this mystery.

Well, except for the journal in my room.

We approached a pair of double doors once we entered into the east wing, the doors opened by themselves and we walked inside into a spacious room filled with shelves on opposites sides. The place was empty which was perfect on our part.

“I'm going over here,” Nate says as he walked in a direction to bury himself in a section of books to help keep his mind serene. I, on the other hand, found myself gazing around aimlessly at old volumes of section L. The library was much smaller than the one back at the mansion, this made finding things I need much easier.

I turned my head forward, my eyes scanning the six rows of books in front of me as I walked to the end of the aisle, one book immediately caught my attention as I grazed my hand over the old, worn-out spine.

I pulled it out of the third row and examined it curiously, the book looked to be about a hundred years old, the spine was cracked in some places and it even smelled historical to me.

The cover was dusty and the pages were torn and frayed as I wiped the dust away with my fingers to see the title more clearly.

Legends of the Unnatural. The title read.

I couldn't help but smile to myself, opening up the book and skimming the pages, careful not to tear any of them. This literally had everything I can think of from fairies to vampires, I just hit the jackpot and I was proud.

“What'd you find?” Nate appeared out of nowhere, startling me.

I quickly slammed the book closed and turned to him, hand stretched out as he took the book from me to take a look at himself.

He whistled, “holy hell,” his eyes glanced up at me, “you'll be studying this shit for months.”

I nodded my head in agreement, not saying anything as he gave the book back to me.

Once I got back to my room, Nathan going elsewhere, I wasn't expecting to have company.

Dallon looked up, eyes dilated as if something scared him shitless while Patrick was in a corner, biting his nails anxiously.

“Close the door,” the tall man ordered and I did what he told me to do, closing the door and locking it.

Dallon pulls me over to the desk and sat me down in the chair, my heart was pounding against my rib cage, I wanted to know what the fucks going on now.

“We need to talk,” Dallon raked a hand through his hair, Patrick was looking at the floor. Eyes unblinking.

“A-about what?” I stuttered out the words, I was starting to get nervous as Dallon took a seat on top of of the desk, palms flat on either side of him as he leaned backward. Not taking his eyes away from me.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, the silence was uncomfortable.

“Franks alive, he was resurrected along with other people. And the mask, you wanna know about the mask, don't you?”

His voice was frantic once he finally got the courage to speak, he was scared, hell I was too after I heard the news of Gerard's second in command being alive and well. My mind suddenly went to Patrick, Frank shot him, he killed him and now he was back. I don't know how the rebellion leader will cope with this. I was just hoping he wouldn't turn vengeful, he seems fine now, lost in his thoughts.

Dallon was waiting for me to answer his question, his leg bouncing up in down impatiently.

“Yes.” That was all he needed to hear.

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