🌻Chapter Seven🌻

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Pete led me to my room I would be staying for the time being, meaning that I might see my father in do time, but not today.

We approached a door at the end of a narrow hallway, the same, gruesome portraits hung on each side of the crimson walls like the ones inside Gerard’s chambers. But these were horrific to look at.

I've never asked my father about those paintings, never even crossed my mind, to say the least.

“What’s the deal with Gerard and his creepy ass art?” Pete asked me, shooting me back into reality as he opens the door and steps aside for me to walk in, I just shrugged my shoulders.

“Vampires are into that stuff, I guess,” I say, looking around the bedroom in awe.

It was just like my room back home, but with bunk beds and it was spacious enough to fit four people. The walls were the same crimson color and the floor was darkly carpeted.

A slight drizzle was pattering the window, droplets sliding down the glass and onto the pane as the view of the back pasture can still be seen.

I walked over to the window in front of my line of vision and peered out, the horses were running around as the rain hit their coats, their hooves hitting the small puddles forming, I could see I few ponies off in the distance and that got me thinking about my sister and how she would beg me to take her over to them, she would cuddle the life out of one.

“Your companion is out there,” Pete spoke, making me turn away from the window to face him.


He nods, “Gerard had her brought over from the mansion a couple of weeks ago, she's been dying to see you.”

I grinned, walking past him and out of the bedroom with him in tow. The others were nowhere to be found once we entered the living room, probably doing other things or fucking around, depends on who it is.

I stepped into the kitchen with the back door next to the refrigerator, I opened the door and stepped outside, immediately getting hit in the face by raindrops.

The pasture was about two feet away from me as I pulled my hood over my head to block out the rain from completely soaking my hair.

A red burn can be seen in the distance once I opened the gate to let myself through, a couple of quarter horses looked up, one tilted his head while I passed them on my way to the barn, they paid no mind to me and continued to whatever they were doing. I stopped at the open entrance, the place looked clean from the inside, like someone had been taking care of the animals and provide them a nice place to sleep.

I stepped inside and whistled for my mare, I got a response as her head poked out of the sixth stall on the left, her ears perked up at the sight of me.

I smiled, approaching her but halted as another head came into view next to Vessel, a foal.

“Is that your baby?” she nodded her head as if she could understand me as I placed my forehead against hers, the baby nibbling at the sleeve of my jacket.

“What are you doing here?”

I jumped at the sound of a female voice as I whirled around to see a young girl in riding gear, her hair tucked away under her helmet.

“Am I not allowed to visit my horse?” I eyed her up and down as she took off her helmet to reveal dyed, shoulder-length blue hair.

She walked up to me, she was about three inches shorter than I am and looked really young, probably in her early teens or so.

“Who are you?” She glared up at me.

“Tyler, you?”

“Arrow,” she leaned away from me as her face softened, “so this is your Friesian?” she took her eyes to Vessel who was giving her baby a bath, I nodded my head in response.

I couldn't help but get a good look at the girls face, she was beautiful with blue eyes and hair in a short braid, but it was her ears that got me questioning my existence.

They were pointed, like one of those elves I saw in movies as a child. This was something I've never seen before nor encountered in my life.

Was this the girl Brendon mentioned in his journal? Have we finally found her? Is she an alien?

Oh god, I hope she's not an alien.


I shot back into reality, the girl was waving her hand in front of my eyes trying to get my attention, “are you okay? I've lost you for a second.”

“Yeah I-I do that a lot,” it was the truth. Arrow nodded her head before placing her riding helmet back on and strapping it under her chin. She climbed up on her horse.

“It was nice meeting you Tyler,” she gave me a nod before trotting away.

And I just stood there, alone and stunned, trying to figure out what the hell I just experienced.

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