Putting up my blank face and making sure my eyes don't give anything away I say a simple no. he looks for a couple more seconds before looking over to Elijah and giving him a pointed look. I can't really tell if he believed it or not but they don't say anything.

"We're speaking Italian Tesoro" Lorenzo answers after looking into my eyes too. I just nod with slight hesitation.

(Tesoro- sweetheart)

Both the twins have been really quiet, looking over at them they both look at each other and then look over at me.

It was like they were talking with each other without actually speaking, it is actually really cool I mean think about the conversations you could have with someone and no one could hear you.

Xavier smiles at me and Xander just looks almost trying to burn away my blank face, it was kind of weird, so I just give a small smile to Xavier and turn back to my lap, letting my thoughts consume me.

The maids came out with breakfast soon after and placed our plates in Infront of us, I again smiled at the woman who placed mine down and she gave me a small smile. Just because my brothers don't know how to be nice doesn't mean that I don't and I know how they must feel so I give them something to know that at least one person appreciates what they are doing for us.

Once all the maids are gone my brothers dig into their food, just a simple plate of egg, bacon and pancakes. It looks good but my stomach is not really letting me even think about it.

I can feel someone's eyes on me, looking up I see Xander practically burning holes through me with how he's staring. It didn't look like he was mad but like he was waiting for something.

With him looking at me still, I force myself to pick up my fork and put some egg on and bring it up to my mouth to eat, trying really hard to not show my hands shaking.

Like I don't know what they've done to the food, they could poison it or put something in there and with Xander looking like he is it's not helping my mind.

Chewing slowly I look back to Xander to see him still looking at me like my eating wasn't what he was waiting for. Me being me I stop all chewing and do not swallow thinking he has put something in it.

Apparently, me stopping chewing was noticeable because in the next second all the attention was on me.

They all look at me with worry, and curiousness and some just look blank at me. Xander looks almost happy which now makes me even more confused. What the hell is happening!

"Tesoro, why did you stop eating?" Elijah asks, even with me only being here for not even a day I can tell he is like the mother.

(Tesoro- sweetheart)

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask Xander not answering Elijah and not looking at anyone else.

I have now grabbed a napkin and spat out my food because I a sure as hell not going to swallow it.

Xander changes his face before everyone looks at him, now he looks confused and like he's done nothing wrong.

"Why aren't you eating?" he fires back like I'm the one doing something wrong

"Because you were staring at me and my food like you've done something to it" I stat blankly, like bitch I'm not going to get into trouble for doing nothing.

"I haven't done anything to it. What could I have done?" this time he asks a little cocky and that does not help me trying to not yell at him.

"you could have poisoned it or something" all heads whip to me the second it comes out of my mouth, they all look hurt that I would even think that, Lorenzo and Alessandro you cant just look at their face you have to dig deep in their eyes. Like their emotions are locked away behind a big door.

"Bambina we would never do that to you, you're our Sorella" it was kind of nice to hear that but they could be lying and they still don't know that I understand them

(bambina- baby) (sorella-sister)

"what the hell does that mean! I'm trying to figure out if the oaf poisoned me and then you stuff I don't understand like not helping" I say half groaning the last part, they think it's funny so they start chuckling

"Hey it's not funny I'm trying to live and you guys are poisoning me!" I exclaim, honestly, I am kind of joking now but I still think they're trying to kill me.

"Bambina-"Lorenzo tries to say but I cut him off

"what does that meannnnn!" I yell/ groan. They all chuckled again and it's kind of fun to do this with people I've only ever had a chance to do it with one person but they left and then it was me again.

"it means baby in Italian" Alessandro says trying to hide his smile, I just look at him with apparently a funny look because they start laughing harder.

"why can't you just say that then instead of saying it in another language?" I say half joking, the only reason I didn't actually say Bambina is because I speak it fluently and they would be able to tell.

"because we like to speak in our home language" Alessandro says. Now it's my turn to snap my head towards him, not believing what he just said. The boys still laughing in the background

"what did you just say" I ask sounding hopeful, I don't know why but I have always dreamed of being Italian, I just love everything, their culture, their massive families and the country itself is beautiful. I would go into the library sometimes during lunch and look at photos of Italy.

"what? That we're Italian?" Alessandro asks, as soon as he finishes I have a massive grin on my face. Yes having a big family scares me now because you have no idea what they're going to do but hopefully, they're a family that cares for each other and would never hurt them.

All the laughing had stopped sometime when Alessandro and I were talking and now all of my brothers had either a smile or a ghost of a smile on their faces.

"we're Italian?" I ask just to make sure almost bouncing up and down in my seat

Elijah laughs and then nods his head saying yes, at that my smile becomes bigger and I actually start bouncing in my seat not caring about the pain I'm feeling right now.

They all look at me with fondness in their eyes and in that moment I know that they truly care for me.

my darling violetWhere stories live. Discover now