- We should not joke in this situation. - The teenager rebuked him quietly. - However... I admit, I also wondered if she was cold.

- I bet she is just freezing. - He muttered under his breath to the wolf.

Colin curled his lips and looked at Rainer as if he was about to reprimand the puppy for misbehaving.

- I still can't believe it that you gave her life. - Whispered very quietly the boy looking around to the side. - It's not even about me, it's about you alone.

- It's dangerous, it's true. - Agreed the man quietly, poking Colin's shoulder in the side. - There's a saying... keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.

Noa was tied with long ropes by his hands to the branches of two trees between him. His legs were bundled so that the man could not make any movement with them. With madness and downright disbelief in his eyes, he stared straight at Agape, who looked like a nightmare from his darkest nightmares.

Accompanied by drums and the smoke floating around her, the woman circled slowly around the man, muttering some ancient words under her breath. With alluring motions of her hand, she threw some herbs into the fires from time to time, which began to squeak and sizzle quietly as soon as they came into contact with the flames.

- "Jag har ingen aning om vad jag gör, jag har aldrig utfört denna ritual." - The woman said, lowering her voice to the limit.

Rainer shuddered as he saw how much Agape was getting into her role. He wasn't convinced that the doe could skillfully slash human flesh, which certainly didn't help Noa in this situation. If she had been familiar with the technique of using a blade, she could have dissected his back with one long and quick stroke of the knife. In a way, this was important, because the faster the man died, the less chance he had of screaming. After all, all it takes is one loud moan of pain, and the black fox will never get Valhalla.

"Of course, as long as this ritual can be performed by someone baptized..." - Thought a concerned Rainer.

Agape had earlier confessed that she had stopped believing that Jesus Christ could save her. But were these assertions enough for a woman to consider herself a follower of the Norse religion? Did Agape believe in any gods at all? Rainer couldn't be sure, and he wasn't.

The woman finally positioned herself in front of the man tied to the trees and turned her small head toward everyone gathered.

- Don't look away. - She said loudly and proudly. - By doing so, you will help your lost friend get to Valhalla.

- You bitch... - Noa hissed through a stress-clenched throat.

The woman slowly turned her face to Noa. Without the taint of a smile on her lips, she captured his cheek in her small, feminine hand.

- Try to dignify this honor and chance given to you by the gods. - She said seriously, but tenderly. It was as if she was sorry.

The man reflexively began to wince and pull himself out of his bindings, which, however, almost completely blocked all his movements. The doe continued to mumble some words under her breath, slowly moving toward Noa's back.

Rainer struggled to see what was about to happen in a moment. His leg was literally trembling and bouncing in place, making him feel a piercing pain in his wound. He realized that this kind of pain was not at all comparable to the one Noa was about to experience.

Wolf explained to himself in his head that there was no other way out. He repeated in his mind that if Agape had not been such a perfect actress, she would have also died today. Nevertheless, Rainer knew how unfair it was that Noa had to die and Agape, who started it all, would survive.

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