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The woman, clad in green gowns and deer antlers on her head, avoided Rainer's gaze as much as she could. However, if coincidence caused them to look at each other even for a moment, the man could see the fear in her eyes. A sense of uncertainty and stress filled her, so much so that if anyone present in the large den knew anything about the conspiracies organized by Agape, they would have immediately pointed out her unnatural behavior. Rainer still wasn't sure if he had done the right thing by letting her speak for the gods at today's meeting. However, it was too late to change his decision, as the rebel meeting was just beginning. Everyone had already gathered to decide together what direction the rebellion should take, and who was responsible for the recent crimes committed.

 Everyone had already gathered to decide together what direction the rebellion should take, and who was responsible for the recent crimes committed

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The truth was that in the case of this woman, it was impossible to make a good decision. It was a choice along the lines of which evil would be lesser. A choice between two and one sacrifice to be made. Wolf realized that preserving Agape's life could bring him a lot of trouble in the future. However, the man ultimately decided that if the woman became a kind of puppet in his hands, it would bring him tangible benefits. Her obedience among the faithful followers of the Norse religion, her popularity and her above-average appeal meant that hardly anyone could even think of disobeying the will of this particular druid. The man must have believed that the favor bestowed on Agape must have borne fruit even today. Politics aside, Agape's words must once and for all save Colin's life and guarantee him inviolable peace in the hideout. This was a priority issue for Rainer.

As for the boy himself, Rainer didn't know how to behave. Last night turned out to be extremely embarrassing for both men. Neither Rainer nor Colin had even begun to broach the subject of that moment of closeness between them, which both clearly needed. This was troublesome, however, because since the morning the wolf and the fox had hardly talked about anything other than the meeting that was about to begin. The main topic of their chat was politics, and Rainer hated chatting with the boy about deals, conspiracies, maneuvers and so on. The fox was always a safe haven for the man, where Rainer could feel like in the old days, when he was still nobody important and nobody important knew his name. On the one hand, it was necessary to discuss how Colin should behave during this evening. Only that Rainer was well aware that the teenager would not commit any gaffes in front of his friends. He knew that the boy would do just fine and there was no need to instruct him, since the latter had already demonstrated his diplomatic skills more than once. That's why continuous conversations on one and the same topic throughout the day did not satisfy the wolf. It was the so-called talking about the weather, where you don't know what you should say, but you feel a compulsion to open your mouth. On the one hand Rainer was upset by this and on the other confused.

The closeness between the two men that the wolf and the fox showed to each other last night was not a very popular phenomenon. The rebel leader had already come to terms with the fact that the closeness he shared with the teenager was exciting him. He knew he had no control over it although, after all, there was nothing he could do anyway in the clash with his own desires, which must remain only in the realm of his unrealized, undefined fantasies. So Rainer was upset, or annoyed, by this fact. Not at Colin, but at himself. The fact, however, that the boy himself wanted to hug him was something the wolf did not expect. Therefore, a sense of confusion overwhelmed him. After all, he knew exactly that this hug was not the kind that good friends give each other. This hug was much more tender, much more intimate and private. Until now, the wolf had restrained himself from unnecessarily stroking Colin's hand through his storm of orange and white hair. He pushed away thoughts of hugging him or touching his fluffy, soft cheek. In an instant, completely unexpectedly, the man had the boy in his arms in a way he had long thought about.

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