Chapter Thirty One

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The rest of the night flew by like a blur and so did the rest of this week. It was just mainly me and Eddie going to visit Max in the hospital with the occasional deals he would stop and make on the way home. I didn't mind because that's the way he gets money so I support everything he does.

School is supposed to start up again tomorrow which is okay. I had bought Eddie things that he needed to go to school and to continue living with us so now his stuff is all over our room. It's my own room but shit it's like it's his room and just some of my stuff is in here.

Mom and Dad know about Wayne and Eddie staying here but tonight is going to be the first night they are meeting each other. Mom and day are stopping by for the night and then tomorrow they are going back on another business trip for who knows how long. Graduation is a month away and I swear if they miss it I'm going to lose it. I don't understand why they're opening school up so early but I guess after graduation they supposedly might make summer break longer so then there is more time to heal from everything and I don't remember the rest of what the people said, I kinda just tuned it all out.

"Y/n! Come here! They just pulled in!" Eddie and Wayne was already in the kitchen, well last thing I knew was that Eddie was sitting around in the kitchen while Wayne cooked. Me and Steve tried to talk him out of cooking and said that we could do it but he politely declined and said that it was the least that he could do for all of us letting them move in which is understandable I suppose.

I check my outfit once again to make sure I look decent but I know that if I don't I'm going to get dragged through hell and back even more than I normally would whenever they come home. When I got to the living room, mom and dad had just opened up the door and I could feel the tension in the air already and they didn't even fully step into the house yet.

"Steven take our suitcases to our room please." I hate that they do that, they call Steve by his government name which he hates but I think they do it just to get on his nerves even more. He muttered a yes sir and grabbed their bags and walked away.

"So y/n where are the people that are staying with us." Mom had a cocky smirk on her face and I knew right away that they were both going to judge Eddie and Wayne. "They're in the kitchen finishing up dinner." I kept the same monotone voice that we have to use when their around. "Perfect." Dad led the way first to the kitchen with mom and I trailing right behind them. The kitchen smelt delicious, he was making a staple meal that he used to have all the time growing up. Fried cubestake with rice and gravy with also a side of salad.

Wayne had on blue jeans and a nice gray button up shirt, Eddie had his hair up in a low bun and he had on black jeans, a Black Sabbath t-shirt, and his leather jacket and jean vest. Everyone was dressed up in their own way just to please my parents because if we didn't then all hell would break loose.

"So I'm assuming you're Edward Munson?" Dad said while pointing to Eddie who didn't look scared at all, he actually had a smile on his face as he jumped down from the kitchen counter and stood in front of dad with his hand out "Eddie, but yes that's me." Dad took his hand and give it a nice firm shake which is a good sign hopefully.

"So you're the one that Mrs.Wheeler thinks that y/n is going to marry." Oh you've got to be kidding me, Karen talked to mom about this. How the hell is word getting around about it when we aren't even married. "Yes ma'am." That caused Wayne to look at us and I quickly sent him a please help us look which he understood and sent me a soft smile.

"Hi, I'm Wayne Munson. Eddie's uncle." He put his hand out to dad for him to shake but they just looked at him for a second "Where is Eddie's real parents?" And that's when my heart sank I didn't think that they would ask something like that and Eddie's smile started to fade a bit but he was quick to put on a smile again even though it was face and he spoke up "Well unfortunately my mother had passed away when I was little and my father is currently in prison." Mom and dad's eyes got huge and I know it wasn't from the shock of hearing that Eddie's mom had passed away. They are shocked because his dad is in prison.

Little Harrington (Eddie Munson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora