Chapter three

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*Beep Beep Beep*
Today is the day that Eddie wanted to meet up and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but also excited. I know we've never been close and I've forgotten him multiple times but still, after yesterday and how he acted and comforted me I had a crave to know more about him and who he was deep down. I looked over at my clock and it was already 12:04 and I still needed to stop Steve and tell him my plans. The footsteps walking past my door caught my attention because I'm assuming it was Steve so perfect timing I guess you could say. "STEVE COME HERE" I was too lazy to get up already like come on, I just woke up. The steps got closer and my door flung open and Steve just stood there with a concerned look on his face "Y/n is everything okay? Are you hurt? Are you bleeding? Are you still breathing?" He isn't called Momma Harrington for no reason. He's the mom of the group and the mom to everyone he knows. He's so caring and gets so concerned that at times it's funny. My laughter made his face drop and the concern went away. "Y/n seriously what did you need, I have to leave in an hour to go to the video store for my shift." He said while rolling his eyes "I actually need to go to the video store with you. I'm meeting someone there at two to go hang out with them for a few hours" I already knew that he was going to start asking questions that felt like they had no end. "Who's picking you up?" The look of confusion quickly went to his face like normal. I swear he is either always concerned or confused or rolling his eyes. He used to be so cocky last year. Especially when Billy first came to town and Billy took over his spot as the town king. The tension was so high between them that whenever Billy would pick me up for a date they couldn't even be in the same room without picking on each other. That was until Steve realized why Billy came over so often, almost nightly with bruises and cuts all over the place. When Steve found out he had sympathy for Billy yet they would still fight and pick on each other. I never did understand it. "Eddie Munson." A slight smile came to my face when I said his name and truly didn't know why. "The freak? The one who plays D&D with the boys? The one who looks crazy?" His eyes popped so far out of his head that they looked like they was about to fall out of his head. "Yeah that one, he isn't that bad. He is actually pretty nice and funny." That slight smile turned into just me rolling my eyes at his nonsense. Eddie wasn't a freak, he was just some guy who likes a make-believe game. Everyone likes make-believe things, that's literally what fantasies are. "Whatever just be ready in 30 minutes so I can be there a bit early." I think the look of confusion was very obvious on my face. He didn't ask an endless amount of questions like he usually does and he just closed the door and walked out. I looked at my clock and it was only 12:08. I want to know why he wants to be there early but truly it was none of my business. Plus I have more important things to do anyways. The cold floor sent shivers to my spine with each step I took to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and then got my towels out and set them on the counter. I started the shower to make sure the water was warm as soon as I got in. After a couple seconds I slipped my nightclothes off and put them in the basket and stepped into the shower. I washed my hair and body and then shut the water off. I stepped out and wrapped my hair in a towel and wrapped my body in another one. I went ahead and brushed my teeth while I was in there. After I was done I walked out to my room. I went to my closet and grabbed out my bra and underwear and then grabbed a pair of blue jeans that flared out at the bottom, a black shirt and Billy's jean jacket. He had to get two different jean jackets because I would always take one after he left it at my house one time. It smelled like a mix of laundry detergent and Billy's cologne and my perfume. A mix that doesn't sound pleasant but smelt nice together. I slipped everything on and put on deodorant and sprayed some perfume. I grabbed out low rise pink socks and grabbed my white hightops and put them on and then laced them up. I did a comb through of my hair and let it dry by itself, I'm too lazy to do anything with it anyways. "Y/n you got 5 minutes" I still needed to put on chapstick and grab a snack. I hurried up and grabbed my chapstick and put some on and then ran down the hallway to the kitchen and grabbed a banana while Steve was waiting for me at the door. I looked around in the kitchen for mom or dad yet neither of them were there. I think Steve knew I was looking for them because a couple seconds of me looking around he spoke up "Dad went on an business trip and Mom followed him of course." Mom is so obsessed with seeing if dad is cheating on her again that she basically follows him like a lost puppy. It's truly tragic. I walked over to Steve and he opened the door for me and I walked out and walked to his car and Steve followed behind me after he shut and locked the front door. When I closed my door he opened up his door and sat down. His little outfit for the video store was less funny compared to his uniform that he had to wear at scoops ahoy. He reminded me of a Boy Scout with his green vest. Normally the car ride consists of him talking and me tuning him out yet this time he didn't. It was like he was distracted. "Are you okay, something doesn't seem right with you Steve" I said with a look of sympathy. He bounced back like I shook him out of his train of thought. "Yeah I'm fine, I was just thinking about this girl." He's constantly going out on dates and sometimes it goes somewhere and then other times it doesn't. When I say it goes somewhere I mean they just occasionally sleep with each other and then cut things after a week or so. I'm not going to judge because sex is sex man and going out to dinner for a date is free food but I feel bad for Steve, he hasn't truly sat down with someone since Nancy and I know how their relationship took a mental toll on him. "Remember Steve if you actually want to talk about it don't hesitate to rant to me" he just looked over with a soft smile and I knew to take that as his thank you and to not push the conversation. After a few minutes we got to the video store and I didn't look like Robin was here yet it makes sense though, her shift doesn't start for another 10 or so minutes. Steve got to his parking spot that he claimed as his and we parked and we got out. He sped walked to the door to unlock and then held the door open for me "Thank you king Steve" I said with a grin on my face, I just had to poke at him. It's like an urge you just had to fulfill "Yeah yeah keep it moving" he may have rolled his eyes but he also had a smile on his face and my mission was complete. He went to the back to turn all the lights on and get ready for his shift, the bell on the door signaling a customer just walked in caught my attention and I was met by Robin's blue eyes as she ran to me and hugged me "Y/n look at youuu! You look hot. The denim on denim actually looks decent but how the hell do you still smell like a guy whenever you wear that" of course I hug her in return until she lets go, I laughed at what she said because with how fast she was talking most people probably wouldn't have caught what she said after she said my name. "Thank you Robin,truly I don't know how the scent is still there but I'm glad it is." She just pulled back and gave me a sympathetic smile and walked to behind the counter. "Steve! We open in two minutes come on" They are like partners in crime, well I mean like they literally were partners in crime but still. They moved from scoop's ahoy to Family video together and truly I'm glad they have each other. I don't care for what they usually talk about but still I'm glad they are friends. Time goes by and Steve and Robin are putting the movies where they are meant to go while talking about who knows what. I love them but they talk about complete nonsense and it gets boring after awhile so after awhile I just tuned them out. I looked down at my watch and it read 1:52, two is creeping closer and closer and I'm getting more nervous as time goes on. While listening to the news we hear that someone had been murdered. We all gathered around closer to the screen to hear more information and then the bell on the door rings. I snapped my head towards to door and Dustin and max walk in. "How many phones do you have?" The tone in Dustin's voice made it sound urgent but Steve still talked over him asking them if they saw the news about the murder yet dustin just repeated himself yet this time more urgent. Me, Robin, and Steve all just looked back and forth and then answered the question " two, why?" Steve was saying and then Robin explained how technically we have a third one if you count the one in the back and max turned to Dustin and said that three would work. Dustin then took of his bag and set it on the counter and just as me and Steve were asking him what he was doing he got on the counter and slid over it to the side we were on, knocking things over during the process. He then goes to the computer while Steve is repeating the same words over and over again "dude what are you doing?!? Woah dude!" But trust me, I'm just as confused as he is. "I'm setting up base of operations" Dustin said while typing as fast as he could. Steve threw his hands up in the air while me and Robin was asking "what base of operations?" I was so confused but at the same time not surprised, I never doubt Dustin when it comes to anything. Steve is begging Dustin to get off the computer while they bicker back and forth while Dustin continues to do whatever he's doing. "What do you need it for" I could see that Steve was getting irritated. "I'm looking up Eddie's friend's phone numbers." Robin turned to look at me. During the hour I've been waiting I explained to her everything that happened and why me and Eddie decided to meet up. As soon as Dustin said his name my heart instantly dropped. I'm not one to think of the worst outcomes first, but I thought of the worst outcome first. I thought that maybe he was the one that was killed. While my mind was racing with a thousand thoughts Steve was bickering with Dustin once again about how Steve thinks that Dustin thinks Eddie is cooler than Steve and basically Eddie replaced Steve. "Seriously guys you could play around in here on a Monday but today is Saturday and Saturday is our busiest day." Robin said while rolling her eyes and restocking the vhs tapes that Dustin knocked down. I start pacing back and forth while Dustin picks up a clipboard and starts writing things down and Steve is saying oh my god while running his hands up and down his face. My question is, what in the actual hell is going on right now. Dustin starts talking about how this couldn't wait until Monday and Robin said "what because calling all of Eddie's friends is an emergency?" It's like she never stops rolling her eyes while talking to Dustin I swear. "Oh hey y/n nice jacket" I look over at max and she gives me a soft smile but I think she could see the confusion and fear on my face. Dustin then tells max to fill us in on what's going on. "Fill us in on what" just like with my face you could hear the confusion and fear in my voice. Max has all of us come around and she tells us the story of how she lives across from Eddie now (after Billy's death she moved from across the street from me and Steve to now the trailer park) and that while she was outside feeding her dog she saw Chrissy come home with Eddie and later when she was inside first the tv started messing up and then the lights flickered on and off and that's sometimes normal in her house but she said that this time it was different. This time it was like at the times the lights flickered because of the Upside down and the gate. Then a bit later she heard screaming and saw Eddie run out of his house scared and got in his van and drove away. Then this morning when all the police was at Eddie's house she walked up to them and basically got a glimpse of Chrissy's body. Dustin got the numbers and we all started calling the numbers but it got us no where until max got off the phone with the person she called. She explained that there is some guy named Reffer Rick and that sometimes Eddie crashes there. "That sounds promising, where does this guy live?" I said. Finally we got something, I had hope that we would be able to find Eddie. "See that's the thing, no one knows. He's more of an legend than someone people actually know." So she basically found us a made up person who supposedly sells drugs to Eddie and let's him crash there. I know I shouldn't doubt max but like come on. Dustin asked her if she knew a last name and once again she said that no one knows. "The cops probably know. If he's a drug dealer then he's most likely gotten busted and the cops probably have him in their system. Maybe we should tell the cops what we know" This makes Dustin fly off the handle telling Steve that it's a dumb idea and that Eddie didn't do anything which Steve replied back with his opinion on the saying "innocent until proven guilty" but you can never rule out the possibility that Eddie killed Chrissy. Dustin just rolled his eyes while max explained that us calling his friends and trying to find Eddie is to rule out the idea of Eddie being a murder. Which I just shook my head in agreement. I don't think Eddie killed Chrissy, I just don't think he could have done something like that but once again people thought the same thing about Ted Bundy. Something that Steve said sparked a fire in Robin's brain because she went over to the computer then searched up all the people in the store's system with the name Rick. One by one we looked through what each of them checked out and with each one we crossed them out until we got to Rick Lipton. The things he checked out easily gave it away that he was a drug dealer. I've never seen something more obvious. Robin got the address and max explained how it's in the middle of no where which instantly made sense. "That's a perfect place to hide." It felt like we had just cracked a code to a sage and the adrenaline started to kick in. We wrote the address down and grabbed our stuff and headed out the door. Robin made sure to turn the open sign over so it said closed and locked the door. We all got into the car and started the Mission of finding Eddie Munson.

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