Chapter nine

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We let Dustin take the lead since he was the man with the compass. Eddie, Steve, and Lucas were all behind Dustin and they were talking about whatever and then it was Me, Max, Robin, and Nancy. I was in the middle with Max to my right and Robin to my left and then Nancy next to her.
"You two have been holding hands constantly and have been close to each other anytime we're around him" I looked over at Nancy to see what she was getting at with her statement  "Yeah I do agree with her" Max said while shrugging her shoulders. I could feel my face start to get hot and I knew that my reaction was giving them the answer they probably already knew.

I kept walking forward with my eyes going from looking at the girls to looking back at Eddie and then back to the girls. I've been doing that same pattern since we started walking. I felt someone lightly jab my side with their elbow which caused me to stop in place and look at the culprit, Robin just stood there with a grin. "Fine, I'll explain what happened between us." As we started walking again to make sure we didn't lose the boys Eddie, Steve, and Lucas turned to look back at us. "Are you okay back there sweetheart? Do you need a break?"

Everyone stopped in their place including Dustin and everyone was staring at me and Eddie. I wasn't embarrassed but more along the lines of caught off guard. Hearing him call me Sweetheart was something that I would never get tired of "Sweetheart?" I could see Robins smirk get even bigger as she said sweetheart. Steve crossed his arms and didn't look that happy "So is something going on between you and my sister?"

He had a good question though, was there something actually going on with me and Eddie or was he just scared about what's going on and I was a good enough distraction that he would forget about whenever Venca was gone and his name is cleared. I looked to Eddie for his response that I felt like I needed to hear. I needed to hear what his intentions were with me.

"Well she's wearing my ring, we kissed a few times, I basically told her I liked her... oh and we shared a nice fancy Dinner of Spaghetti rings together. So take that as you will Harrington." Almost immediately the girls looked at me with huge smiles "You two kissed?! And you're wearing his ring?!" The excitement in Robin's voice could be heard for miles. I nodded my head as I showed everyone ring. Nancy grabbed my hand to examine it closer
"It's a pretty ring Eddie but is this you trying to make things official?" she stared at him waiting for his response and honestly I was waiting for it too. He looked back and forth at me and my hand with his ring on it "It's all up to her" and with that he turned around and grabbed Dustin and they started walking away.

The boys turned around to follow him while me and all the girls were still stuck in place from shock I'm assuming. I took my hand out of Nancy's and started walking to catch up with the boys. The girls followed my movements and started walking again and when they got to me I was attacked with questions from all of them on my opinion on what Eddie said. "Alright, I don't know how I feel about it. Obviously I'm attracted to him and I would love to pursue something with him but we only got close like three days ago. This isn't the 50's where you talk for one day and then get married and have 5 kids the next." I said as I shrugged my shoulders and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I wasn't wrong though. Yes, we may have spent the past couple days with each other nonstop and we learned a lot about each other but that still doesn't stop the fact that people are going to think it was rushed or too quick. I don't want to rush into something and get hurt.
Nancy being the mature one that she is, started giving advice "Y/n, you two have spent the past 48 hours together by yourselves. Obviously you two know how each other work and how you react under stress and fear especially after the events that happened earlier. You feel safe and comfortable around him and he brings out a side of you that I haven't seen in awhile. Talk with him and take a chance on it." Maybe she is right, I need to stop being overdramatic and just take a chance with it.

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