Chapter Twenty Two

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I was in that trance where you're like half asleep but you're aware of what's going on which let me be able to hear the conversation dustin and Steve were having.

"I'm going to go check up on Eddie and his uncle." So Dustin knows where Eddie and Wayne are but they won't even let me talk or ask about him or how he's doing. "Alright, tell him Nancy and Robin's plan worked and they can come back now." I heard someone walking closer to me and I felt a kiss on my head and then the foot steps went out the door. All sounds were tuned out again as I went back to sleep.

"Y/n, sweetie it's time to take a shower so you can go home later" I opened up my eyes and I was met by the beautiful nurse from earlier, I never noticed her eyes until now but her left one was blue like icy blue and then the right one was brown. When I looked at them it looked like I was staring at one of Max's eyes and then staring at one of Eddie's eyes. Eddie. The conversation from earlier instantly came back to mind. He's safe and from what I'm assuming, everyone in the group knows where he is.

How lovely to know that they wouldn't even tell me where he was let alone answer any questions I had about him. I'm trying my hardest to not freak out on them and just trust them like Dustin said but it's hard. I want to know that he's okay, I want to have him by my side, I want him here, I want him. I watched as the nurse took all the tubes off of me and unconnected the machine from being connected to me basically.

It was just me and her in the room so that kinda upset me that I'm all alone. "Was there anyone else in the room- Fuck!..when you came in?" I didn't mean to yell fuck at the poor nurse but when I stood up for the first time it hurt like a bitch. She sent me a soft smile and laughed a bit and helps me walk over to the bathroom area in my room so I could shower.

"No, your older brother left earlier because he said he had an emergency." When she said the word emergency I could feel my heart drop and my breathing pattern pick up a bit. Last time we had an emergency it led us to where we are. It went from Dustin slamming the doors of the video store open with Max to now me and Max in the hospital. I knew it was a bad idea, I knew it with my whole heart but we had to do it to destroy Vecna.

The nurse told me to take off my gown and I know I can't fight her on it, I need to shower anyways and I don't feel super confident enough to do it by myself yet. When I slipped off my gown I looked at myself in the mirror, my abdomen had stitches everywhere they were almost lined up in a U shape on my stomach. I didn't look good at all, I looked gross to be exact. I could feel my eyes start to water as I looked away to the nurse who was turning on the water to make sure it was warm.

My eyes darted back to my body to inspect the stitches and the bruising, I turned to the side to look at my back and it looks like they cleaned all the cuts up back there. My bad looks good compared to my stomach. The nurse lightly grabbed my hand and brought me to stand underneath the water. The warm water felt nice on my skin, it felt nice to be able to get clean from all the events that happened this past week.

The nurse let me wash my body by myself but I had to very carefully go over the stitches to make sure I didn't accidentally rip one out. I washed my hair with the products they had for me so I'm just going to be thankful that the hospital provided products in the first place. The cold air from the hospital sent shivers down my spine as I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around me and the nurse went to go fetch my clothes that someone had brought for me. She came back in and gave me the clothes and walked out and stood by the bathroom door in case I needed anything.

I looked at the clothes in my hand and there was my underwear and bra, a pair of black sweatpants, and a hellfire club shirt. It looked brand new and it was actually in my size so one of the boys didn't just give me their shirt, someone made it for me and last thing I knew was that Eddie is the one who makes the shirts for the club. So Eddie made me a shirt and possibly dropped it off but if someone saw him then he wouldn't still be supposedly missing. I am so confused right now.

A knock on the door snaps me out of my train of thought "y/n? Is everything okay in there?" I set the clothes down on the counter and started to dry my body off so I could get dressed. "Yeah I'm okay, I'll be done in a minute!" I put everything on and honestly I like the way the hellfire shirt looks on me but I did notice that it has a slight smell of cigarettes and weed and cheap cologne to it. The concoction that I grew fondly familiar with over the past week.

I opened up the door and walked out and I was met with the nurse, Hopper, Joyce, and Murray. I was in shock, Hopper was standing right in front of me. He is here. He's alive, but I thought he was dead. We had a whole funeral for him, we mourned over him, yet here he is standing right in front of me. It wasn't the same Hopper I knew though, he looked different. His head was shaved and he lost a ton of weight. I instantly took him in for a hug and I don't care if it made the stitches feel unpleasant. He was there for me when my own dad wasn't. I held him as tight as I could with my head on his chest while letting the tears fall. I didn't want to let go in fear of this being a dream or maybe this is what heaven is like or something, like it's some weird acid trip.

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