Chapter Fourteen

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We finally made it to the trailer park and we got to Eddie's house. I would say that it looked cute but all the vines aren't really making that statement believable. We got off the bikes and made our way inside. As soon as you open the door on the roof in the lounging area, I guess that's what you could call it, was a glowing red hole with the vines coming out of it. The gate looked cool but also scary at the same time. "This is where Chrissy died, like right where Chrissy died." Knowing that I'm where Chrissy died made my heart sink. This same living room is where Chrissy took her last breath. This same living room is the place where Chrissy lost her ability to graduate and go to college and move out of this shitty town, she can't marry the person of her dreams and have kids together and have a big house with a big backyard and grow old together and make so many memories. All of that was stripped away from her in this living room. I needed to take a step outside and I'm pretty sure my face said it all. I pushed through the group and made my way outside. Out of all the things I've seen why is this my breaking point. Hell, I watched Billy die. He literally died in mine and Max's arms but even after that I didn't even have to take this many breaks. Well after Billy I didn't even really hang out with people nor talk to anyone for the first month or two so I didn't need to get breaks then anyways if I'm wasn't doing anything. The trailer door opened and closed and Eddie stood right in front of the picnic table I was sitting at that's outside of his house.

"It's obvious that you're not okay, y/n." I know he was trying to reassure me but somehow his words just made it worse. The tears that were stuck at my waterline just waiting to come out started falling down onto my face at the release of his words. I didn't want to cry and I didn't know why I was crying. I shouldn't be crying, I have nothing to cry over but then again I feel like I do. Less than Six months ago Hopper and Billy died and then now a few days ago one of my friends died and I'm at the same location where she died. There has been so much loss in this god damn town and every time I feel like things are getting back to normal, they never do. Some fucked up creature comes out of nowhere and starts killing people.

Eddie sat down next to me and pulled my face towards his as he used his thumbs, that were on both sides of my face, to wipe away the tears that I continued to let fall. "I'm sorry then." I said with a small smile creeping onto my face. I couldn't help but smile up at Eddie while he stared at me with nothing but concern written all over his face. His doe eyes looking down at mine with care all in them. His eyes are something that I could stare at for hours. You would think that since they are brown they would be basic but they're not. They have hints of gold and they look like honey in the sun. They get darker when they are full of lust. They soften when he's worried or wants to show me that he cares. This boy cares so much, even for people he barely knows. There is just something about help that pulls me under more and more every time I look at him, maybe it's his eyes or the way he cares for other or maybe it's the way he smells like musk and weed and even a hint of cigarettes or maybe it's the way he looks at me. It's like in his eyes I'm a fragile piece of glass that he doesn't want to break and if he could he would wrap it up and protect it with his whole life.

I was snapped out of my train of thought by Robin opening up the door "I think there's something in the gate." Me and Eddie got up and made our way inside where everyone was looking up at the gate. As me and Eddie looked up at it there was something that made a tiny spot droop. Then out of nowhere something stabbed through and completely tore away the red part which caused us all to scream. Goop dropped down as the random ass stick continued to clear out the red hole. We all scooted back, basically on top of each other and Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to pull me even closer into him and farther away from the gate that was currently getting destroyed by a random stick from the sky. He let go of my waist as we all started to walk closer to the gate and when we got right under it we saw Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Erica waving and laughing at us while we all started laughing and smiling. We have a way out. We have a fucking way out. I looked over at Eddie and he looked at me. "We have a chance."

"Yeah, we do, sweetheart." He leaned over and kissed my head. Robin looked over at us and stuck her tongue out  in disgust "Gross you two, not in front of the kids." I stuck my hands up in defense "All I did was kiss her head, I could be doing worse to her right now." I saw everyone's jaws drop. Even all the kids, their mouths was wide open in shock. "Eddie, what the hell dude. Not in front of me, please." Steve had disgust written all over his face as he finished his sentence which me and Eddie laughed at. Everyone's reactions were funny, the shock and the horror on everyone's faces made me lose it but I got real quiet when Max spoke up. "Please I used to have to get told to ignore her "happy screams" when she would come over at times."

Now my jaw was on the floor and somehow everyone's jaws dropped even farther. "Max! What the hell!" She stuck her hands up in the air in defense with her little snarky smirk on her face. Eddie leaned over to my ear and whispered to me so no one else can hear him. "Just wait, I would say I would make you scream even louder but I'll just have to prove it to you so you believe me." Today is just a day full of jaws dropping I suppose because my jaw dropped once again as my face got hot. Eddie started laughing at my reaction while everyone was trying to figure out what he said.

"I have a plan, and you're just going to have to trust me alright?" Dustin said as we all nodded our heads "So we are going to tie sheets and blankets or whatever we can find together to give you a rope you can use to crawl through the gate on and then we are going to get Eddie's mattress and put it under the gate opening so you guys can fall onto that." We all agreed that the plan sounds fine. The kids split up and grabbed everything and Eddie told them where all the spare sheets were. After a bit Max and Lucas set the mattress down underneath the gate opening and you could see four giant stains on it. Eddie looked over at me in fear of my reaction. "Those stains are uh, I don't know what those stains are." I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing and I just said "Mhm"

Dustin walked under the gate "I'm not quiet sure how these physics are going to work but uh here we go." He threw the sheet rope thing and it landed right in front of us. He pulled it a bit to make sure it was sturdy. "And if my theory is correct.." he then let go of it and yelled at us to pull on it to see if it holds.  I went ahead and pulled on it and it did. We're actually going to be able to get out of here. We all got excited as we finally are going to be able to go back home. Robin went first and we watched her land on the mattress. Eddie pushed me forward and signaled me to go. It was hard climbing up the rope if I'm being honest so maybe this is my sign to start to work out.

When I crossed over I was hanging upside down and I let go and I instantly hit the mattress. I got up and off the mattress and right away Max hugged me. "I missed you, dork." She let go and looked up at me. "I missed you too, loser." Out of the gate long curly hair came down and then I saw Eddie's face. He dropped down and landed on the mattress and moved out of the way so the next person and come down. He pulled me into a hug and held me as tight as he could. Suddenly Steve started yelling Nancy's name and shaking her but she wouldn't move it was like she was possessed. It was like Vecna got her. Vecna fucking got Nancy.

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