Chapter two

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Fifth and sixth period has come and gone and now it would normally be time for seventh period but today we are supposed to be having a prep rally for the basketball team.

Honestly the only reasons why I'm going is because 1. I'm forced to go and 2. To support Lucas even though recently he's been acting like he is too cool for the boys like mike and Dustin.

I follow the crowd of everyone walking to the gymnasium and as soon as I step in like normal my eyes are directly drawn to the spot me and Billy used to sit. The middle of the bleachers on the right side so then "we would be in the center of everyone" his logic was weird but never once did I question it. This time in that spot though is Max and Dustin And Mike. I make my way over to them zigzagging my way through people and I'm met with a big smile from Dustin "HEY Y/N! SIT WITH US!" He's always been the funniest and the sweetest and yes even the loudest but that's why everyone loves him. I got to my spot which was next to Max but right below Mike and Dustin.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn back to look at Dustin and Mike "Are you free tonight by any chance?" Dustin says with his goofy smile while Mike is observing me like no other. "I should be, why though?" I was intrigued but at the same time I was fearful. Things have been calm since the battle at Starcourt and since El, Will, Jonathan, and Joyce all moved to California.

El randomly sends me letters talking about how good California has been treating her. She's supposedly doing well in school and has even made a ton of friends, her english and grammar has been getting amazing and I've never been more proud of her. I haven't heard much about Will. Nacy still talks about Jonathan and how they plan on going to college together and all that stuff. Everything has been going good for mainly everyone. Everything has been calm, strangely calm that's why I'm fearful of what he's about to say. I don't want to know what weird monster we have to kill this time.

"Well as you know Lucas is going to be super busy with the basketball game and Your brother told me no and Max didn't want to either, so we were wondering if you could be our sub fill in for the hellfire club?" I never knew the name of the club that they played D&D for, I never cared to know because I'm not one to play D&D.

"You guys both know that I don't really play D&D, why don't you guys ask Erica? She's the only other person that I know that plays" I said with an apologetic look. Erica Sinclair, The sassy and dramatic but smart and beautiful Sinclair sibling. Never once did she hold back on anything she said and that's what made her amazing.

"You are so smart y/n!" Dustin says as he and Mike stand up and start bolting out of the Gymnasium. I don't even want to know where they are going. I feel someone grabbing my left hand and I looked over and it was Max with her headphones on listening to her music and staring at my ring.

All of a sudden the cheerleaders came in and started dancing and doing their thing and right in the middle was Chrissy after a couple seconds she looks back at me and smiled and gave a little wave and then went back to doing her thing. I looked over at the band and I see robin playing her trumpet and is killing it like normal.

Everyone settles down a bit and the cheerleaders finish up and go to the edge of the bleachers and have a seat and then a couple seconds later the basketball team came out. Jason comes out and most people clap and then others don't and it's the same way for every player and normally I don't clap for the teams but for Lucas I had to make an exception.

In the corner of my eye I could see Max roll her eyes. It's just sad to see how they went from being so in love to now this, but I guess that's just what happens when grief comes into play.

After the whole team came out and got to their spots that they had planned Jason started talking about how he is thankful for everyone and then he stopped to thank Chrissy and tell her that he loves her and honestly they are a cute couple. I haven't seen nor heard anything negative about the relationship so I think they are cute together.

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