A Way In the City

Start from the beginning

With that, Jinhua ignored the pouting bronze monkey and continued explaining, "From the intel that we gathered, we can safely assume that the spider sister's poison is one of the components. What we need to figure out is who the other venom user is and who is the one who taught them how to mix them in the first place..."

Wukong gritted his teeth, "Did those spider sisters not learn their lesson the first time..!?"

Jinhua placed her hand on his shoulder plate, "I will not allow you to go on a full on rampage and ruin our plan just because you want to squash some bugs...!" She hissed urgently as she noticed he was about to rush off and wreck havoc.

Wukong glared down at the hand that was placed on his shoulder turned the his burning gaze to the demoness with his hackles raised.

With a small huff he turned and sat down.

"So what's the plan...?" He asked begrudgingly.

Macaque let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in while the two stared each other down. He swore he felt his chest twist and cave in when he thought a fight was about to break out.

Jinhua turned back to the viewpoint calmly, "Since the city is still in chaos, we can assume that your group and master have yet to be found and that the poison has yet to bring lost soul up to heavens."

Macaque and Wukong nodded in agreement.

Jinhua then tilted her head as she spotted a small figure make its way through the crowded streets.

"And I might have spotted our way in the city." A grin slowly made its way across her face.

The two monkeys glanced at each other and then rushed over to Jinhua's side to see what she was pointing at.

A there they saw a figure sneak past all the guards running around like chickens without their heads.

As the small figure came closer, Jinhua could make out that they had a dark hood overhung their face and shoulder. But she noticed a small tint of green and purple on their robes as they snuck around the towers and over the bridge.

As the figure glanced around meekly, they started to get nervous the more they waited.

"Are you waiting for someone? Young demon child?"

The figure jumped in surprise as the voice appeared behind them and dangerously close to their ear, "Wah-!" They jumped back a few steps as they whipped behind them, holding a hand to cover where their ear would be. Their hood flew back when they jumped.

Revealing a demon spider boy with a luscious purple tinted skin with green illuminating eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. Under their bottom lip was a small beauty mark that made their face seem feminine. Their dark onyx locks was tied up in a loose bun as if they never saw the reason to tie it up.

In the same spot, they saw a golden haired demoness with a slight amused look on her face as she muffled her laughter with a sleeve, "Forgive me for startling me, but I'm going to assume your the spider servant that helped provide info to my two companions..."

"Y-Your...! But- Your the Golden Lotus Protecter, Princess Jinhua-!" They stuttered out in shock, "What happened to the Monkey king and his friend..!?"

A dark chuckle erupted from the boy's shadow as purple eyes glinted in mischief when Macaque slowly shifted out of the shadow, "Change of plans, man. We brought extra man power and the relic."

The spider demon jumped forward at the sudden appearance of the demon monkey.

"So you did bring the relic...." They muttered with narrowed eyes.

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