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"Stop! We're gonna wake up Ran!"

Whisper yelling at Rindou to stop trying to get under your shirt proofed to be futile as he kept tugging on it, his fingers brushing against your sides making you giggle.

After the park you two went home where Rindou immediately pulled you into his room to make out with you. His hands have not left your body for the last hour and he teasingly started to cares the skin of your stomach with his cold fingers. While his grip is tight and refuses to let go, you let him, not actually mad that he wants to be as close as possible to you. You're only scared of Ran waking up and walking in on you two.


Your voice accidentally comes out louder than you wanted as the blond bites into the soft flesh of your stomachs side, looking up at you through his round glasses like he's done nothing wrong. You push his head away, failing to get him off completely but at least his mouth isn't on you anymore. "What? It looked so squishy, I had to." His dumb smile makes your face burn and your stomach churn, in a good way. The butterflies have never been more active.

While you try to argue with him about the bite the door opens. You stare wide eyed at Ran who's hair is all over the place with his shirt hanging half off his shoulder, similar to your shirt barely covering your chest. Your mouth is open yet you can't bring yourself to say anything. Rindou hides his face in your stomach and you feel the heat radiating off it on your skin. Ran also stares wide eyed at what he has in front of him, not expecting to see his brother and friend in such a suggestive position after waking up.

"I leave you alone for a couple hours and look at you. I'm not ready to be an uncle just so you know."

His devilish grin makes it impossible to keep the heat from crawling up your neck and face, your skin turning red within seconds. Rindou grips onto your body tighter while pressing his face deeper into your stomach, clearly embarrassed by his older brother.

"It's not like that." Your voice comes out quiet and with a couple stutters here and there but Ran hears and understands nonetheless. "Yea yea. Anyways, what's for dinner?" He leans against the doorframe and you hear Rindou mutter under his breath, something about wanting Ran to leave. "Can we order takeout? I don't want to cook." If Ran doesn't make the moment embarrassing than neither will you, so you shrug off the previous statement for your own sanity.

"You're staying another night?" Rindou's question comes out mumbled from where his face is pressed into you, it makes you snort. "If you don't mind." The blond shakes his head and you look at Ran only to see him shrugging "Might as well move in with how much you stay over." He leaves after saying that, shouting that he's going to order now right after.

Ran left the door open so Rindou gets up and closes it, his face still red and his glasses and hair all out of place. He comes to lie next to you after that, his head on your chest and his left arm around your stomach.

"Do you think I stay over too much?"

Rindou sighs before sitting up to lean over you. "Why do you think that?" You shrug "Because of what Ran said?" You nod with hesitation.

Rindou sits up fully, taking you with him. You sit in his lap as he gently moves some stray hairs out of your face. "In my opinion you don't stay over enough." After he's done with getting the hair out of your face he places both hands on your cheeks, making you look at him without a way to avert your gaze. "Why not move in? I want you here and I'm sure Ran doesn't mind, he's too obsessed with your cooking." You chuckle from his words, the frown on your face now replaced with a smile.

You sit in silence for a while, unsure of how to respond. With a big sigh you lean into him, right cheek pressed to his shoulder. "Isn't it too early? We just got together." Your warm breath hits Rindou's neck making him shudder under your touch.

"But we've known each other for a while. And let's be honest, we basically already behaved like a couple. Ran is the witness."

True to his words you think of all the times you and Rindou hugged, his embrace being very different from his brothers. All the times you slept in the same bed together and even the times he came to your side when you dreamt of a bad future.

"Think about it. Please. I would really like for you to live with us." He hugs you tighter to his body and you relax under his touch, feeling the heat from his skin and hearing the beating of his heart. "I'll consider it."

• ~ ~ ~ •

And consider you did. You went home the next day, head filled with possible future scenarios and outcomes.

With no friends to talk to you went to the maids, asking them about it. Basically all of them said to take the chance. Ran and Rindou are your friends first and foremost, Rindou just so happens to also be your boyfriend. Whether they told you to move in because they want you out of the orphanage or because they actually think it's a good idea, you'll never know, since you'll never ask.

So with a lot of doubt and hope you text Rindou your answer by the end of the week, telling him to make some space in his closet. You packed your belongings and tidied up your room, the maids barely helping as you're old enough to do it yourself.

Now you stand in the doorway of your bedroom, looking at the vacant walls and stripped sheets, closet empty and desk cleared. It looks weird. To you this room has been home. For 17 years you've been in this room, sometimes crying, sometimes smiling and sometimes questioning your existence late at night.

Whenever you got returned or came back from foster families you always went back to this room. One way or another you hate this room. You always come back here and you never left the orphanage for too long, as no family ever wanted to take care of you for too long. You hate this room, but you also kind of miss it already.

With one last deep breath you take your bags and hurry downstairs. Ran and Rindou already took some bags over to their place, struggling to keep their balance on their bikes. Cons of driving a motorcycle and not a car.

At the entrance you see the head maid and caretaker. The older woman has seen you grow up and she's the one you had that was closest to a friend or family. "Look at you [F/N]." She opens her arms for a hug and you quickly empty your hands to return it. "Take care of yourself dear." You smile at her, bidding her goodbye one last time before exiting the building. You don't look back as you walk towards Rindou and Ran. The older takes the bags from your hands while you hop onto Rindou's bike, your backpack on and your arms secured around his stomach.

"Ready?" You nod, face touching his back to let him know. He starts the engine and drives off, Ran following being him.

You hated the orphanage, but maybe it wasn't so bad. It got you this far afterall. And maybe it helped get you into Rindou's arms, who knows.

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