30 • corretto

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Walking towards where Ran was previously sat you already see the older Haitani resting in his spot. He hasn't moved from where you left him but someone joined his side, sitting beside him.

You swallow hard, body tensing and eyes watering. Rindou had woken up while you were fighting, joining his brother in watching your performance.

The brothers noticed you looking at them and while Ran greets you with a tired smile, Rindou looks away. His head turns and you can see the way his fists clench around the fabric of his pants. You ignore it, for now. Instead you walk over, casually greeting them both despite knowing you will only get an answer from one of them.

"How did I do?"

Ran smiles up at you, straining his neck but still managing to make eye contact "As expected of someone with your capabilities." You grin back at him. He hasn't outright said you can see the future since Rindou is present, you mouth him a thank you for it. Crouching down you sit in the dirt with them, legs crossed and back slouched. You're beyond exhausted, head pounding and muscles aching. As expected of course. You've just fought the invincible Mikey and your future vision surely didn't go easy on you during the whole event.

"Let's go home."

You didn't expect it from Ran but by the way he looks at you, you can tell that he's trying to give you the opportunity to speak with his brother.

Nodding you scoot over, reaching out and taking his right hand into yours, hesitating before doing the same with Rindou. The blond flinches from the contact, shoulders visible tensing. "Your home is waiting." You squeeze both their hands "I haven't changed anything in the apartment." To let them know you forgive them, ready to start new with both. And maybe they catch that with home you mean yourself.

• ~ ~ ~ •

You sit around a little longer until you're ready to stand back up, gathering enough strength for the way home.

It took some time for Ran and Rindou to manage walking on their own, their bodies having been through much more than yours and therefore giving them much more struggle. You ended up with both men leaning onto you for support, though Rindou was hesitant to even look your way. He hasn't spoken to you either and when Ran addressed him the only way of replying was a nod or a hum.

It does hurt, but you'll manage until you're home, where you can hide the tears better.

"Welcome home."

You help the brothers enter, leaving them at the entrance to quickly check if Ran's bedroom is actually clean before coming back to them. They've taken off their coats and shoes to shuffle into the apartment. "You didn't lie when you said nothing changed, huh?" You nod at Ran "Of course. I couldn't bring myself to let go of what I had left of you two." He apologizes quietly.

"You can freshen yourselves up in the bathroom, it's clean."

Ran nods your way before pulling Rindou with him towards the bathroom, closing but not locking the door behind them. Sighing you make your way into your bedroom, changing quickly before walking into the living room to sit on the couch. You can't help frowning as you think of Rindou, tears gathering in your eyes. Not wanting to look like you've cried, you blink them away, hoping to last a little longer until the brothers have gone to bed.

Roughly an hour later the door to the bathroom opens again and the two Haitani's walk out. Ran looks your way, giving you a little smile before excusing himself.

"I'm so exhausted. Have a good night [F/N]."

You bid him a good night back, looking over to Rindou who awkwardly stands in front of his bedroom door. "I'll take the couch, you need the bed more than me right now." You smile at him but he doesn't reciprocate, simply going into the bedroom without another word. It hurts only slightly more than the rest of his silence, because at least he agreed to taking the bed and not denying your offer.

Now all alone you lay down on your back, staring blankly at the ceiling for only a second before tears start to spill from your eyes.

They fall into your hair, wetting your strands and sometimes hitting your ears. It's uncomfortable, it's annoying and it almost feels wrong. You have them back yet you feel worse than before. The thoughts of breaking Rindou's heart with the truth about your future weighing heavily on your chest.

You cover your mouth, silencing your sobs and leaving the brothers in the dark. It's best if they don't know how much it affects you. There's a chance they'll leave again, thinking that their presence alone is a burden of your life while in reality it isn't.

Your body shakes as you quietly cry, swallowing any sobs that might rise from your throat to keep silent. You expected to be sad and overwhelmed when meeting Rindou again, but the pain from seeing him ignore you hurts you more than you could ever imagine. You felt more at ease when Rindou told you he loved you right before shooting you in the head.

It's a pain that resides deep within your chest, tearing at your heart and stabbing your muscles. A pain so sever you can't help but silently scream, no sound leaving your lips but the motion expressing your hurt perfectly. The loudest cries are the ones you can't hear after all.

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