8.5 • filler

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You wake up from voices, whispering about in the dark. You open your eyes but still see absolutely nothing as the curtains are drawn shut. You call out to Rindou after not feeling him next to you but receive no answer. It's unusual for you to wake up alone. After living at the Haitani's for around a month now you got used to waking up next to the Harry Potter cosplayer.

Sighing you stand up, reaching out your hands to help you navigate in the dark. You get to the door safely opening it slowly from being blinded by the bright lights outside. Guess you slept in longer than usual.

Walking through the hallway and living room you get to the kitchen where you see both brothers covered in cooking ingredients, bickering and quietly arguing.

"Well good morning to you guys."

Your voice is obviously not something they expected to hear as they jump slightly from your greeting. Rindou comes to place is hands on your shoulders, looking at you with surprise written on his face "Sunny! What are you doing up?" The nickname stuck after Rindou compared you to the sun that was missing in his and Ran's life. You cringed, initially finding it to be super corny but he insisted on calling you it.

"I woke up because I heard some whispering." Rindou's face drops and he quickly turns his head towards his brother "I told you we were being to loud!" Ran waves him off with the spatula in his right hand.

"Why don't you go sit on the couch, Sunny. I'll be right there with you." He kisses you on the cheek before turning you around, and with a quick slap to your right asscheek he sends you off to sit in the living room, wondering about his motives while waiting.

• ~ ~ ~ •

It takes roughly another ten minutes before the brothers stop their business in the kitchen and come to the living room with various plates filled with food as well as a mug full of something hot. Bacon on toast, pancakes, a rice tower surrounded by a sauce you don't recognize and lastly a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

"What's all this for?" You chuckle as you look at the assortment of food. "It's a congratulation for living here for almost one month." Ran smiles at you, placing down his plates to sit next to you. "It's also our one month anniversary." Rindou quietly says while placing the plate and mug down, occupying your other side.

With both brothers seated and empty handed they take your hands into theirs. "Thanks for always cooking for us." Ran bows his head "Please continue to make us delicious meals." Rindou follows suite. You stare wide eyed into nothing as the situation settles in.

You begin to laugh after realizing that the brothers woke up early to cook for you, as a sign of gratitude as well as a way to bribe you into cooking for them more in the future. You laugh and snort, holding onto your stomach as a couple tears come to your eyes. "You idiots. Of course I will continue cooking for you!" You throw an arm over both their shoulders, bringing their heads closer to your own to nuzzle yourself against them.

"I love you guys."

The brothers quickly embrace you in a hug, smiling from ear to ear as you laugh and smile with them.

"And Rindou." While eating you lean into the blonds neck "Happy one month."

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