4 • cappuccino

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For at least half an hour Rindou had followed his older brother Ran around the apartment trying to explain that you and him were nothing but friends, if you can even call it that yet. While the brothers are doing that you made yourself comfortable on the couch, looking around the living room and kitchen area for anything interesting. You've only really dubbed the empty liquor bottles and the DJ station intriguing so far. Neither of them are legal to buy alcohol yet so it surprises you how many bottles are inside of the kitchen shelve. The DJ station surely belongs to Rindou considering all the CD's in his room.

A sudden weight to your left snaps you out of your head so you turn only to see Ran sitting and smiling in silence while Rindou stands behind the couch. "So what's your name, Rindou was so rude not to introduce me to his girlfriend." Smiling he leans his head onto his hand which is proped up on the back of the couch.

You smile back listening to Rindou explain himself once more before answering the boy. "The names [F/N] and I'm not Rin's girlfriend. But maybe one day." You stick out the tip of your tongue, watching as Rindou's face starts turning red. The blond storms off, embarrassed by not only his brothers but also now your teasing. How could you not, especially after what happened when you first came here.

"How did you and my little brother meet?" Ran's voice has changed to a different tone, sounding a little more serious than before. "At the convenient store a couple days ago. He bought me coffee." Ran's eyes widen a little. "So he came up to you?" You nod making him hum "Interesting. Who would have thought he has the guts to go up to a girl, a pretty one like you at that." The compliment doesn't go unnoticed by you but Ran seems like he's not done talking so you stay quiet.

"You know, Rindou is quite shy actually. He doesn't talk to girls like that and neither has he ever brought one home." He chuckles before continuing "He's quite the opposite of me." And his words surprise you. With the aura Rindou has around him and his handsome looks you thought he would have girls left and right, cherry picking the ones he currently wants.

Ran stands up getting ready to retreat back into his room. Before he steps away he tells you one last thing "Don't break my brothers heart or I might have to break you, k~♡?" He steps around the couch and towards his door. His words caught you off guard, totally expecting anything but this, so it takes you a second to collect your own thoughts.

You quickly turn your head, seeing Ran half inside his room. "Don't worry." You call after him "I have no such intentions Annabelle." You give him a smile before standing up yourself to go into Rindou's room.

Once inside the blonds room you see him lying on his bed, right arm over his eyes and one knee proped up. From what you can see his face is relaxed and his glasses are lying on his nightstand. Slowly walking over you try to sit at the edge of the bed without disturbing him. Once seated you take his glasses, inspecting the round frames up close before putting them on your face. Rindou's eyesight isn't as bad as you originally thought, as you can see pretty well even with the glasses on.

"What are you doing?" Rindou's voice sounds numb yet stern at the same time and before you know it he holds onto your left wrist while sitting up, staring at your reddening face. "Sorry, I was curious how bad your eyes are." You see his violet eyes moving frantically, inspecting every inch of your face, and slowly he too starts to get flustered. It starts at the tip if his ears and travels down his cheeks and neck.

You take the time to inspect him as well, noticing the little marks and blemishes on his face. Small indents are left where his glasses are usually perched on the bridge of his nose and from there you can't help but get stuck looking at his eyes. Similar to his brother they are downturned and violet but the way his lashes cover them is way prettier in your opinion. You begin to lose yourself in their beauty, mesmerized by the way his pupils shrink and widen depending if he looks at you or off to the side.

Clearing his throat Rindou catches your attention and you pull your wrist back out of instinct. "Sorry. You're just very pretty." With no reason to lie you tell him the true reason for your staring before taking off the glasses and reaching out to gently set them down on Rindou's nose. Your hands are close enough to feel the heat radiating off his skin and it makes you realize how badly embarrassed the blond is. "I'll better go home now." Silently you tell him before standing up. Rindou quickly stands up with you, pushing his embarrassment to the side to offer you a ride home. You agree and the two of you are out of the house a few minutes later.

Rindou leads you to his bike where he quickly get the engine going before seating himself comfortably on the seat before stretching his hand out towards you. You hesitate. "Without a helmet or anything?" He gestures with his hand for you to take it without answering and you take it. He assist you with getting comfortable behind him before slowly turning. "Ready?" You shake your head against his back making him chuckle "Just hold on tight. I'll make sure to drive safe." And with a death grip on his shirt you press yourself as close as possible to the boy. Rindou tenses under your touch but takes a deep breath to shake the nerves off.

He starts driving slowly and you hold on tighter "Rin I'm scared." And you truly are. Losing your life in the future to either suicide or murder was already scary enough, dying in the present from and accident sounds worse.

Rindou places a hand over yours, his warmth heating up your cold skin immediately. "Don't worry. I got you." With these last words he starts going. You're eyes are tightly shut and your hands almost rip the fabric of Rindou's shirt from the tight grip on it. As you are driving with him you slowly start to concentrate more on Rindou's fast paced heartbeat, whether that be from the close proximity or the speed at which he's driving doesn't matter as the sound of the fast yet steady bests calm you down enough to open your eyes.

You see Roppongi pass by your eyes faster than ever. Colors blend in with each other and pedestrians or other vehicle seem to be much slower than you can Rindou. Paired with the evening sun, the sky's color blending a mix of blue, yellow and pink, it's a truly beautiful scenery that you're happy not to miss. Your fingers lose their grip on Rindou's shirt and your hands gently snake around his waist a little tighter instead. You press your right cheek against the blonds back, listening to his heartbeat and feeling his breathing while watching the building pass by. You feel yourself smile and for the first time you're living in the moment and not on the future, your dream forgotten.

You're alive now and you're living happily.

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