18 • turkish coffee

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Though still slightly mad at the brothers you decided to set aside your worries to spend some quality time with them.

But as they're now in a gang and have duties to fulfil, you actually don't get to hang out with them as much as you would like. They're always out of the house, leaving in the morning and returning in the evening. They don't tell you where they're going or what they're going to do and that worries you a bit, despite Rindou promising you that nothing will happen.

Your biggest concern right now aren't the brothers anyways, it's your future vision. Lately you seem to forget your dreams, leaving you to wake up not knowing what your current future looks like. This isn't something that happens often, but it's rare rough to make you worry. Many thoughts run through your mind in these times as there's no guarantee that you'll be alive tomorrow. You lock yourself up in your room to keep you save in these times, especially when the brothers bring their gang friends with them.

Like now.

They brought a couple guys with them earlier this evening and the group is currently hanging out in the living room. You try not to get too anxious, but the endless possibilities make it hard not to. Good thing that your danger sense hasn't vanished or else you might have already kicked the bucket.

Though you wish to stay in the bedroom until the guests leave your bladder is forcing you to your limit. You had the urge to pee for around two hours now and slowly but surely your stomach and kidneys are starting to hurt.

So with a loud groan you sit up from the bed and put on Rindou's sweater over his shirt to keep you warm outside of the heated room. You have no idea how warm or cold it is in the rest of the apartment after all. Paired with his sweatpants you force yourself to take one final deep breath before unlocking the door and sprinting around the corner into the toilet room.

The satisfying feeling of pressure being released makes you sigh in relief and after you finish your business you leave the room to go back to the bedroom as fast as you left it.

Sadly for you someone calls out your name and in order to not seem rude you look around the corner to respond to the call.

"Wow. Didn't know you had a girl Ran." Some dude with really short blond hair exclaims. You frown, ready to correct him but Ran beats him to it. "I don't. She's Rindou's." All eyes move to look at your boyfriend and he turns his head away while grumbling under his breath. "Why is that so surprising to you, huh?" Rindou gestures for you to come over, holding out his hand for you to take. With slow steps you get closer, close enough for him to pull you onto his lap.

"I don't know. Thought you we're the shy type. Also you don't look like you'd be a good boyfriend. You're too rough and bold, not like nice and loveable."

Offended Rindou flips the guy off before tightening his hold on you. Ran switches to a different conversation topic, successfully taking the attention away from you and Rindou. While the rest of the men talk Harry 2.0 whispers into your ear.

"That's Muto Yasuhiro, we call him Mucho and next to him is his buddy Sanzu." You're thankful that Rindou is clearing up your current confusion, but you most likely won't remember anyone's name at the end of the day. "That's Mochizuki Kanji or Mocchi. Like Muto, we met during Juvie." You lean down to whisper back into his ear "And the small one with the shaved side?" He shrugs "Don't know him but I think they called him Koko." You nod before moving away from his face, looking over the people. Like before Izana and Kakuchou are also here, the two seem to be here the most as they visited alone a couple of times. Always trying to make you join Tenjiku.

"By the way." The one who's name you just learned, Koko, speaks up "Why isn't Madarame here?" He almost looks uncomfortable while talking, even the few minutes you've spent in the living room he looked out of place.

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