19 • french press

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There's absolutely nothing that you hate more than Rindou telling you he's going to fight another gang. Just a few weeks ago you kind of accepted the fact that the brothers are now in a gang, and now they tell you about an upcoming fight from which they don't know if they'll return unscathed.

Furious and extremely worried you pace around the living room with both Haitani's sitting on the couch, silently listening to your rambles.

"What if you get hurt? What if the police show up?!"

For almost an hours now you've tried to talk them out of it, explaining to the over and over that there's no way you'll forgive them if either of them get arrested or die. The though alone makes you tremble.

"We promise you nothing of that sort will happen. The other gang is super small and weak. It's gonna be easy."

You don't trust Ran's easy going smile, rolling your eyes at his enthusiasm and optimism. Rindou stayed relatively quiet, not saying anything unless you address him by his name. It pisses you off how they don't even recognize your distress and concern and rather feed you empty promises. It pisses you off more that they only told you now, a day before the fight.

"Why can't you just listen to me for once?! This is a really dumb idea and I have a really bad feeling."

You don't like to shout at them, especially since you've seen Rindou flinch once when you raised your voice. But now there's simply no way for you to contain your anger.

"You're overreacting."

Ran leans his head back, closing his eyes and waving off your worry. Your jaw clenches and you feel your heart pick up its pace. No way he's just going to disregard your words like this. "I'm being totally honest here. Going to that fight is a bad idea." Ran doesn't listen and instead jokingly start playing with the end of his braids.

"Fine. Go and get killed for all I care. I hope that you'll hear my 'I told you so' in the afterlife."

You storm off. Leaving the apartment by banging the front door shut. You huff as you run down the stairs and all the way to the convenient store where you always go to. The place you met Rindou almost two years ago.

Tears brim your eyes as you walk down the street, repeating your words in your head over and over. You didn't mean them, it was just your frustration leaking out. With how often you already had to tell the brothers the famous 'I told you so' you'd think they took your concern a little more serious. You expected Ran to ignore it, but even Rindou stayed silent, which surprised you to say the least.

Once at the convenient store you wipe your eyes dry of any tears that accumulated during your walk before heading inside.

You buy a pack of pocky and an instant coffee before heading back out and sitting down on the bench in front of the store. The exact place Rindou first spoke to you. Memories come flooding into your mind, reminding you of the first few conversations you had with the Harry Potter cosplayer. They make you smile. But as soon as you start to smile your lips drop onto a frown.

If Rindou were to get killed tomorrow, there's simply no way you'd be able to live. You wouldn't know how to anymore. Rindou gave you the hope and strength to continue trying, without him there's nothing left for you to do, nothing left to stay for in this world. If Rindou goes down then Ran will go down with him, so there's no way you'd have anybody to rely on anymore. You'd crumble and fall and end up the same way you always do. Alone and at your limit.

You mentioned it to Rindou before, that you wouldn't be here without him, and while he might not have taken your words as serious as you intended them to be, but you hoped that they stuck in his mind.

You sip your coffee while blankly staring in front of you, eyes burning and body exhausted. You worry so much for them that it actually drained your energy. While you don't want to think about it was much as you are, the thought never leaves you alone and sticks around until the sun is setting and the last bit of your coffee has gone cold and tasteless.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

The familiar voice comes from your right and you let out a big sigh before nodding.

"I'm surprised you came here out of all places. Didn't think you'd want to be reminded of me when you're mad."

Rindou's voice is soft and quiet and he sits a little distance away from you. You see his blond hair in your peripheral but make no move to actually look at him.

"I'm sorry." He sighs.

"I understand you're worried. . ."

He could leave it at that but Rindou decides to continue.

". . .but Izana is our friend and he needs us in this. We met in Juvie. We're part of the S-62 you know?"

Your eyes start to sting again and you lower your head, biting your lip and almost crushing the cup of coffee in your hand.

"[F/N] I promise to come back in one piece."

You shake your head, tears now falling from your eyes "Don't promise me this. You'll jinx it and end up dead." Rindou is silent next to you, listening to your quiet sobs. After a couple of seconds you feel his hand touch your back, slowly stroking up and down to calm you.

"I've had nightmares about this. I can't help but worry for you Rin." You did indeed have a couple visions of seeing him hurt and all of them woke you up in the middle of the night. You kept silent, checking over Rindou before going back to bed. He never noticed before. "I just want the best for you. Getting hurt in a stupid gang fight is not the best." His hand stops to lay flat on your back. "After this I'll leave, ok? I'll stop with all of this and be there for you. I don't want to be the reason for your tears ever again." You flinch at his words before curling in on yourself more, struggling to keep your composure.

"For real this time Sunny. I promise to come back to you."

He scoots over and hugs your shaking body into his side, holding you closer than ever before. His body trembles in a similar way as yours, hands clammy and breathing uneven. You cry into his chest all the while different futures run through your head, reminding you of your misfortune.

You're meant to die sooner than later and despite all your futile attempts to fix your future, your inevitable death will come for you no matter what. You just hope that Rindou won't have to be there when it happens.

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