Preparing for a dance.

Start from the beginning

Blake started to feel bad for the blonde samurai/cook. As she listened the way his parents raised him almost make it sound like they were trying to make him a house husband.

Jaune: So then one night I decided that enough was enough and ran away. I stole my family's weapon and ran off deep into the woods and train myself.

Blake started to get a bit worried about what would happen next.

Jaune: Then I came across a grimm that I couldn't beat. Though it was an alpha beowolf against a mere 8 year old with barely any training. So what do you really expect?

Blake was shocked by the fact that Jaune would have been killed but wondered how he survived.

Jaune: Then two strangers saved me before it could finish me off. They asked me what I was doing, I told them, then they asked me if I wanted to be trained and said yes right on the spot. Then it led to where we are now.

Blake...was at a loss for words. Ahe didn't know how to respond only for Jaune to suddenly continue.

Jaune: Do you know why I told you this?

Blake merely shook her head no.

Jaune: Because that is what could happen to you if you don't slow down. No one's asking for you to stop doing what your doing. On,y to take it slow.

Blake: Jaune, I understand that you and the others are worried about me. But I just can't stop-

Jaune: No one is telling you to stop!!

This caused Blake to flinch as she was cut off.

Jaune: Look Blake listen...if Torchwick was here, right here right now, what exactly would you do?

Blake: I would fight him.
She declared.

Jaune: No, you would lose immediately and die.

Blake was about to respond only to be immediately cut off by Jaune.

Jaune: Blake you can't even take me on right now.


Jaune: Please, just slow down. No one is telling you to just quit and forget everything. I just want to make sure that you're not going to get yourself in danger....please.
He begged as he held her cheek.

She leaned into his hand with a slight purr, which realizing what she just did made her blush. But Jaune just merely closed the distance between them and kissed.

It was a deep and passionate kiss that lasted for a solid five minutes. Until they separated panting a bit.

Blake:...Alright Jaune. I'll slow down.

Jaune: Good. And please get yourself some sleep, you look like you're going to pass out any minute.

Blake chuckled a bit.

Blake: Alright.

Jaune: Also...will you be my date to the dance?

Blake smiled and kissed his cheek.

Blake: Of course.

Blake was about to turn around only to yelp in surprise when Jaune was carrying her in his arms bridal style.

Blake: Jaune, what are you doing!?
She asked while blushing.

Jaune: Now who said you were walking back?

Blake relented since there was no way she could stop him. So he carried her to her dorm room and laid her down as she fell asleep on the way.

While Jaune left the room about to get ready for both the dance and a little infiltration...

Until he bumped into someone. That person Emerald Sustrai.

Jaune: Oh sorry about that. I didn't see you there.

Emerald: Oh no its fine, I didn't even know you were there.

Jaune: (I can easily sense two other people around that corner, better play dumb.) Well, I'll catch you later then.

Emerald: You too.
She waved a bit.

As she walked around the corner only to find Cinder and Mercury standing there watching the confrontation.

Mercury: So that's the Yellow Demon of Mistral? He don't look that tough.
He said smugly.

Cinder: I'd be more cautious if I were you. He could prove useful in the future. So let's be cautious.

Emerald: So your saying that he can beat you?
She asked a bit nervously.

Cinder: With my...current strength yes. But if I have the full power of the maiden, victory is assured.
She said with an evil smirk.

Little did they know Jaune was nearby and heard the whole conversation.

Jaune: (Well, guess Ozpin was right. Best I let him know about this soon.)
He thought as he started walking away from the area.

A/N: Sorry of this chapter was a little short I've been busy with other stories lately so yeah. I hope you have a good day evening and or night wherever you live.

Jaune Roronora VinsmokeWhere stories live. Discover now