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"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lance screamed in terror as he ran through the cave with his eyes covered.

"Stop screaming, child, you are luring them to our location!" Clementine said firmly, pulling him into a side area, knocking the wind out of him as he hit the wall.

"S-Sorry." He squeaked. "I-I have a fear of—eep!" He covered his eyes and she moved a hand over his mouth, looking out cautiously as the giant eight-legged monstrosities passed them by.

"I think they're gone." She said quietly. "But, let's wait here a little longer, just in case." She sighed. "Right, let's take stock of the situation. You were knocked into an open doorway, which I followed you into and, as I predicted, you were in need of help. We had to escape a nest of...those monsters—" she sighed when he let out a loud whimper. "Stop that."

"Where's the exit?" He whimpered.

She sighed and pulled chalk from her bag, kneeling to start drawing a circle on the ground.

"What's that do?" Lance asked.

"Well, assuming I can do the spell without interruption or distraction," she glanced at him and he covered his mouth with both hands, "it should turn us invisible for the next hour. That should give us plenty of time to find the exit."

"And...if you mess it up?" Lance asked.

"Well, then every other living thing in this twisted room will be invisible." She finished drawing the circle, then pulled him to stand on the circle with her. "Now, be silent and let me work."

He covered his mouth with both hands again, feeling anxious as she started to chant. He watched as she became see-through and looked at himself. "Uh...did it work?"

"Yes, we are now invisible to everyone but ourselves." She went into her bag. "But, they can still hear and smell us, so shut your mouth and hold your breath." She pulled out a perfume bottle.

He held his breath and she sprayed something on him, then handed it to him so he could spray her. "There." She took the bottle back and put it on again. "Now we smell like moss. Now, walk slowly and keep quiet." She stepped out and he followed her lead, going through the caves in the direction those monsters went.

Lance had to keep himself from whimpering as they passed by the beasts, covering his mouth with one hand to muffle any sound that could've slipped out. Clementine silently rolled her eyes before pulling him down. "Look, if it's sight that is the problem, I can temporarily take that away. Alright?"

He shook his head. "That's even worse." He whispered.

"...I'll just take your voice, then. But it'll only last for five minutes." She moved her finger to his closed lips, then drew a line across it, followed by an "x" on the middle. Then then she drew an "X" on his neck before tapping both "x"s, which briefly glowed. Then she let go of him and sighed. "Well?"

Lance tried to reply and realized nothing came out. Looking a bit freaked out, he gave a terrified thumbs-up and she took his hand to led him along past the beasts again.

"There's the exit." She whispered, pointing past a nest full of the beasts and their eggs. "Alright, follow my lead. Don't step on any of the eggs – or the bones. Step where I step. Got it? And keep your eyes on me, not your surroundings."

Lance nodded, swallowing nervously.

Clementine sighed and took her first step into the nest, carefully leading Lance through at a slow and steady pace. Lance followed her lead, grateful for the silencing spell so the monsters didn't hear his whimpers when he was so close to them.

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