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The city was in a bit of a commotion today. Apparently, there was a new thief in town called the Silent Striker. People wouldn't even hear them coming before they were robbed, and no one knew where they would strike next. As a result, Varian and Rapunzel were kept inside and Eugene took Lance with him to help the guard find the one responsible, in an attempt to do as Cassandra said and help him go straight by helping out.

Rapunzel frowned a bit as she waited for Varian to make his move, but he seemed...distracted. Pascal licked his ear and he yelped before rubbing it. "Heeey." He whined.

"'Heeey', yourself." Rapunzel said as she smiled at Pascal. "You still with me, little brother?"

"Uhm...no. No, I'm on the moon." He joked, and she sighed. "I'm...sorry. I just..." He sighed. "The dreams have gotten...creepier, since I stepped outside the wall."

"Yeah, if I'd known you were going to be doing that, I never would have let him take you there." Rapunzel frowned.

"Shows me to ask where we're going before I go, huh?" Varian laughed bitterly.


They heard a commotion outside and went to the balcony to look out. Cassandra was being supported by a worried-looking Eugene. "Oh no." Varian said, then looked over as Rapunzel hooked her hair on the balcony and went down. "Rapunzel, we could just use the door!" He said before running out of the room with Ruddiger on his heels.

"Cass, what happened?!" Rapunzel asked as Varian ran out to join them.

"Ugh, those rotten little..." Cassandra groaned. "I set a trap, but it backfired. That 'Silent Striker' is two people! I caught one and the other jumped me and broke my leg!"

"Cassie, you gotta stop getting hurt bad enough to be bedridden." Varian teased.

"Well, if you think it's so funny, why don't you go out and help catch them?" She challenged.

"Okay." Varian nodded. "I will."

"Uh, didn't the King say—" Lance started, but Eugene cut him off.

"Alright, kid. Let's see what you can make to catch them." He said, smiling at Varian.

Varian nodded.


While Cassandra was put to bed and Rapunzel nursed her back to health, Varian went over the thieves attack patterns with Eugene, who had recently joined the Royal Guard.

"Looks like they're pretty consistent. They attack around this area a lot, and always people that seem to have something hanging off them that looks really expensive." Eugene said as Varian looked at the map thoughtfully.

"Okay...so, I set myself as bait, dress in my formals and wear some jewelry that will catch their eye." Varian said, nodding. "When they strike, I'll lure them to a tripwire I'll set up that will fire off goo bombs and hit them, confining them for easy capture."

"Maybe I should be the bait." Eugene suggested.

"Why would they rob Flynn Rider? Most of the thieves out there still think of you as the thief you were, not someone to rob." Varian pointed out.

"I just don't like you putting yourself in harm's way again. At least don't go alone." Eugene pleaded.

"I won't be." He smiled at Ruddiger. "Ruddiger is going to have a fancy collar and help me catch attention."

"Oh yeah, rich people always have weird pets." Lance commented.

"Like King Trevor and his pet seal." Eugene nodded.

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