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Cassandra was laid up in bed the next few days, recovering from the attack. She was chided for risking herself, but also praised for her luring in someone that would've surely been a problem if he came in without warning. To cheer her up, and also because Rapunzel was busy, Varian stayed by her bedside and talked to her.

"I'm surprised you're with me right now." Cassandra said as Varian carefully cut up an apple for her. "Isn't that one baker thug friend of yours opening his shop today?"

"Rapunzel's going, she'll pick me up something." He said as he cut perfectly-divided slices and put them in a neat arrangement on a plate with grapes. "Besides, if I wasn't with you, I'd be in my lab." He shrugged. "She's a bit panicky about me going out into town so soon after I was nearly kidnapped again."

"That's because she found out that you snuck off after Andrew because you thought he was suspicious." Cassandra chuckled. "I know you seem to think you're a knight, but you don't even know how to use a sword yet. Hey, maybe I can teach you once I'm feeling better!"

"That'd be great!" Varian nodded.

"Yeah, then we can both be told that we can't join the Royal Guard." She said jokingly.

"'It's too dangerous'!" Varian said mockingly. "'I can't let you risk yourself, you're too important to me'!"

Cassandra laughed, then hissed and held her side. "Ohhh, bad idea."

Varian's brow furrowed. "If only Rapunzel could still heal, you'd be all healed up by now..."

"It's better that she can't. She's less likely to get targeted without powers." Cassandra poked his nose. "Speaking of which, you've been pretty active with yours the past few days. We have a worrying amount of black rocks around town now."

Varian looked down sheepishly. "Yeah..."

"Any luck with that spell?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No, I've been trying but I can't seem to..." He pursed his lips. "Well, I did get something more."

"Yeah?" She shifted a bit.

"Uhm, do you want me to sing it?" He asked.

She nodded. "If you want to."

He nodded, then cleared his throat before he started to sing.

"Crescent high above,
Evolving as you go,
Raise what lies beneath
And let the darkness grow.
Let darkness grow."

He shrugged. "I don't know the second part."

"Well, it's pretty." Cassandra smiled. "Maybe that will be enough."

"Nah, my hair would've been glowing." He pinched his streak thoughtfully. "And I've never gotten any further than 'darkness'."

"Well, good luck with that." Cassandra took one of the apple slices and took a bite, smiling.

Varian nodded, then glanced at her necklace. "So...you're still wearing the crystal I made for you."

"Well, yeah." She moved a hand to it. "It's a gift from someone I care about." She smiled. "Why wouldn't I wear it?"

He smiled shyly. "You care about me?"

The door opened and Rapunzel poked her head in. "Hello! I bring delicious food! And, also, I need advice." She brought them both cupcakes. "Bimberry butternuts!"

"Just so long as they aren't Dimberries." Cassandra said, prompting the other two to laugh.

Varian hadn't been there, but he'd heard in a letter about Eugene apparently messing up the goodwill beaver thing by giving the beaver Dimberries instead of Bimberries, which drove the poor creature insane briefly, so he got the joke.

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