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There was a terrible storm today. Rapunzel had gone out somewhere before it started and Varian had chosen to stay inside and work on his alchemy. He heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see King Frederic at his door. "This is rare." He commented, looking back at the ball he was filling with more goo solution.

"Yes, uhm..." He walked over and stand next to him. "I...I found Rapunzel's journal this morning. It had some...worrying things about you in it."

Varian sighed, closing the glass balls and setting them to the side.

"Is it true? That the black rocks are trying to force you to follow them back to the Moonstone?" King Frederic asked with concern.

Varian nodded. "It's true."

King Frederic knelt next to him. "Why didn't you tell me? Why...why hide things from me, Varian?"

"Could you, or anyone, actually do anything to stop them? I've only managed to use black rocks to destroy them once, when I was already...activated." He tugged at his hair a bit. "I couldn't control them, I just summoned them and they smashed together and destroyed each other. And nothing else is affecting them."

"Still, if I'd known then, I could have kept you away from the rocks. Quirin is trusting me to take care of you, I can't...I can't let you keep putting yourself in danger, Varian. You or Rapunzel. I only hope the Captain is with her right now." King Frederic looked worried.

"Sometimes, I think about what things might be like if I didn't have these powers." Varian looked at his gloved hands. "Would the black rocks still be a problem? Would my mom still be here? Is all of this...my fault? All this pain, this fear, this uncertainty. All the destruction..." He looked towards the window. "If I didn't have these powers, would it still be happening?"

"Varian..." King Frederic frowned. "I understand why you might be having these thoughts..."

"If I give myself up, will the black rocks go away?" Varian stood up and went to the window, his arms wrapped around himself as he stared out at the storm. "If I surrender myself to it..."

"Don't even finish that thought." King Frederic got up and walked over, placing his hands on his shoulders and turning him to face him. "Don't ever think that letting that thing take your life to be whole is the solution. We will find a way to stop the black rocks, and I don't want you to ever talk about giving yourself up again, understand?"

"Your Majesty..."

King Frederic smiled and shook his head. "You're like a son to me, Varian, though I would never try to replace Quirin. You don't need to be so formal with me." He gently brushed his long bangs out of his face. "I want to protect you just as I want to protect her. You both just..." He chuckled a bit. "Make it...so difficult sometimes. Always running off to try to solve problems on your own...you're only children."

"Rapunzel is eighteen." Varian reminded him.

"But you are still only a child. And Rapunzel is...still so naïve." He smiled sadly. "You both are, even if you try to act wise to the world. You don't...you don't know all the dangers out there. Yes, you know of kidnappers and thugs, but there's so much..." He sighed. "I just want to protect you from harm."

Varian smiled and hugged him. "I know...and I'm grateful for your care. But...some things, you have to let us handle ourselves. Otherwise...we'll just stagnate. It would be no better than when we were in the tower, it'd just be...a much bigger one. You understand, don't you? Rapunzel wants to feel free."

King Frederic sighed and rubbed his head. "I know...but, allow me to fuss over you both a little longer. Quirin wanted you away from the black rocks, so I'm going to do my best to keep you from them. Even if it drives you both up the wall when I assign more guards."

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