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The next morning, Pascal decided to wake them up early and right away started to try to get them to play. Unfortunately, they got as far as Pascal and Varian brushing Rapunzel's long hair together before Cassandra was coming in.

"Oh good, you're up. Saves me some trouble. Let's get you washed up and dressed for the day. You first, Rapunzel." Cassandra said, taking her arm and leading her away.

Pascal let out a sound of protest.

Varian noticed Owl coming back and walked over to receive the letter. "Listen to this, Pascal. 'I am glad to hear that you're doing alright over there, but please do not deliberately put yourself in danger like that again. Unfortunately, I am not making much progress on the black rocks on my own. Do you think you could think up a formula for me to try? I'll keep experimenting while you think of something, maybe I'll touch on a miracle. Be safe, and I'm proud of you for all you're doing. Remember to get some proper sleep, I'll see you when I've solved this problem. Love, dad.' I guess he doesn't want me going back until then..."

He folded it up and went to his desk to start writing out a reply. Pascal climbed up onto the desk and watched as he wrote, looking at his grim expression with a concerned chirrup. He placed his claws on Varian's hand and he looked at him briefly before going back to his letter.

"I'm okay, Pascal." He said, writing about the black rocks spreading out to other Kingdoms. "I'm just...the situation isn't looking good."

By the time he finished and sent it off with Owl, Cassandra was back with Rapunzel and Varian was hauled off for his bath and change of clothes.

"Did Owl come back?" Rapunzel asked as he passed her.

"Uh-huh. Already sent a reply. His letter's on the desk." He told her before the door closed.

Rapunzel went over to read it. Pascal chirruped to her and she smiled at him before looking over the letter.

"Hold still, Raps." Cassandra said as she brushed and styled her hair.

"So, what are we doing today?" Rapunzel asked.

"Your parents want you to try taking audience today. I figured you could use Varian as your advisor, you and Nigel don't seem to click." Cassandra said sympathetically.

"Yeah, he doesn't seem to like Varian, either." Rapunzel nodded. "Especially after his outburst at the trial."

"'The utter disrespect'!" Cassandra said mockingly, and they both laughed.

Pascal sighed, watching them longingly.

Varian was brought back and his hair styled by Cassandra and then they all headed out together for breakfast. Ruddiger gave Pascal a sympathetic look and offered him a grape.


Pascal decided to surprise his kids with a special dinner in their bedroom and sat waiting anxiously as it got closer and closer to bedtime for them to return. When the door opened, his eyes lit up but it wasn't either of them – it was Eugene's thief friend. Frowning, he turned red and Ruddiger started hissing, moving closer to the guy ready to attack.

"Whoa, hold on! I'm not dangerous!" Lance said, holding up his hands. "I'm just taking a little look-see around—AGH!" He cried out when Ruddiger sank his teeth into his leg. "Geez!" He kicked him off and Ruddiger hit the floor, then started hissing again.

"Wow, I have never seen a raccoon act like you are right now." Lance mused, kneeling to rub at where the beast had bit him. "Sure hope you aren't infected with anything, but I'm sure the kid makes sure you're healthy."

Pascal moved towards the man in a threatening way. Lance spotted the food and grinned. "Aw, look at that! Looks delicious!" He started to move around them.

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