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When he first stepped out into town, he didn't see where he went. After walking around a bit, though, he finally spotted him going down an alleyway and crept after him. He stepped out after he did and looked around, frowning when he didn't see him.

"You know, you're really nosy."

He paled and resisted the urge to scream in surprise before he turned to find that Andrew had, somehow, gotten behind him. "I just...want to make sure my friend is okay."

"So you stalk me into town?" Andrew raised an eyebrow and stepped forward. Varian stepped back, suddenly aware of just how very alone they were.

'This...was a bad idea.' He thought. 'I miscalculated really badly.'

Andrew kept walking forward and he backed up until he hit the wall. Andrew moved his hand forward and he tensed, flinching when he rubbed his head affectionately. "You act like I'm going to eat you." He laughed a bit. "Come on, little princeling. Let's get you back home." He wrapped his arm around his shoulders and led him back through the alleyway.

"Why were you back here?" Varian asked.

"Avoiding the shopping crowd." Andrew replied as they stepped out. "Don't you ever take the backstreets to avoid the crowds?"

"Uh, no. Because that's asking to get kidnapped." Varian frowned.

"And following a guy that you, apparently, don't actually trust isn't?" Andrew stopped in front of the castle gates and let go of him. "Get back inside before they send out a search party for you, kid." He waved and walked off to the alleyways again.

Varian shuddered and rubbed his shoulders before walking back into the castle.

"Varian!" Rapunzel cried, running over and hugging him. "You suddenly disappeared; you didn't tell anyone where you went! Are you okay?!" She checked him over.

"I...yeah. Andrew...made sure I got home safe." Varian nodded.

Rapunzel looked relieved, then frowned. "Don't ever scare me like that again!"

He smiled sheepishly. "Yes, ma'am."

She sighed and held him close. "Let's go inside. I was on the verge of calling a search party for you! If you'd been hurt..."

"I'm okay." Varian assured her. "Really."


"Why didn't you say you had a hot-air balloon? This is so cool!" Rapunzel said as she looked out at the city under them.

At Rapunzel's insistence, Cassandra had agreed for them to spend some "quality time" as a group and Andrew had casually suggested they go for a flight, which is what led them to being high above the city in a basket carried by a giant cloth balloon powered by a machine perpetually blowing fire up into said cloth balloon.

"Why do you use a hot-air balloon when you could just use a cart?" Varian asked curiously.

"Ballooning is one of my passions. What better way to see nature's gifts than from a bird's perspective? Besides, I don't condone modes of transportation that exploit animals." Andrew leaned back against the wall of the basket.

"Woo-hoo!" Rapunzel cheered, then gasped. "It's like being in a giant lantern! It's magic!"

"It's simple science, actually, but yes, your Highness, it can be quite magical." Andrew corrected her with a smile.

"I could probably build one of these." Varian said thoughtfully.

"Oh?" Andrew raised an eyebrow.

"Varian is an alchemist." Rapunzel said, grinning. "He made that pretty stone around Cass's neck, and he makes such amazing inventions!" She hugged him.

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